Wild boar hunting is quite an exciting and interesting activity. After all, this wild animal has intelligence, so it is not always possible to outsmart it. There are several ways to hunt wild boar, while you must not forget about your own safety.

Step 1
The wild boar is a large and valuable animal, the body length of which can reach 180 centimeters, the height at the withers is 110 centimeters, and the weight is 300 kilograms. Despite its large size, this animal is very active and mobile, has a well-developed hearing and sense of smell. Wild boars are found in a wide variety of places: in deciduous and coniferous forests, in thickets of thorns and reeds. Animals prefer to lead a herd way of life, old and large bites are kept separately from everyone. Females are visually different from males, they are more graceful, do not have a large hump.
Step 2
The wild boar hunt starts in mid-August and lasts until January. It is allowed to hunt females from the beginning of September to December. Hunting can be carried out in four ways: by corral, from an ambush or from a tower, from an approach and with dogs. When hunting by corral, hunters create maximum noise, drive prey to the shooters, who are assigned by numbers. This hunting method is the most common. Hunters must master the rules of shooting perfectly (from a smoothbore gun), because they have to shoot at a moving target, take a lead correctly.
Step 3
When hunting from an ambush or a tower, wild boars are trapped in places of feeding, in specially equipped hides or towers. This species requires perseverance and great endurance from the hunter, because sometimes you have to wait for many hours. Waiting for the boar, you must not make any sounds or move.
Step 4
With the onset of dusk, hunting begins with the approach. The essence of this type of hunting is to track the animal, an imperceptible approach to the feeding herd at a shot distance. In this case, the hunter must show special cunning, approaching the animals against the wind, otherwise you can betray yourself ahead of time. After all, animals have a well-developed sense of smell.
Step 5
The next type of wild boar hunting is hunting with dogs. The animals are released from the leash, and they go in search. Having found a wild boar, the dogs begin to circle around it and bark loudly, preventing the prey from moving. The hunter is required at this moment to get to this place as quickly as possible, to make an accurate shot. The wild boar is quite strong, sometimes one hit is not enough to defeat. It is recommended to shoot at the front shoulder blade, so the hunter will have a chance to hit the heart. For hunting use cartridges loaded with a bullet, buckshot.
Step 6
It must be remembered that wounded animals can be very dangerous. A wounded boar can lie down, causing a misconception in the hunter. Therefore, you do not need to immediately rush to the animal, wait a little, make sure that it is dead. A wounded boar can cause serious injury, be extremely careful and careful.