The wild boar is a significant object of commercial and sport hunting. In addition, it is part of the food supply for large predators. Complementary food will help to keep wild boars on the territory of the hunting farm and to protect peasant lands from its raids.
Step 1
First, explore the boar area. Favorite places for lounges, watering places, pits. Any small clearing where boars are accustomed to looking for food is suitable for a temporary bait. For long-term feeding of animals, special points are equipped with stands for observation and shooting, located not far from dense coniferous shoots - the favorite beds of females with piglets.
Step 2
If wild boars are in the habit of walking into agricultural fields, plant several strips of oats, corn, rapeseed or Jerusalem artichoke (depending on the climatic zone) along the way. If possible, it is best to plant separate forage fields away from the main ones. The invasion of wild boars causes great damage to cultural plantings.
Step 3
Use potatoes and carrots for complementary feeding on equipped areas. It is good if there is an opportunity to bring table waste every day. In areas with developed fishing, it is advisable to use small and weedy fish species for feeding.
You can not arrange bait areas in places where pets are grazing.
Step 4
In the summer, wild boars willingly eat food with a high protein content: legumes, food and fish waste, and eggs. They roam in search of a variety of food, eating tubers of plants, May beetle larvae, and earthworms. In winter, migrations are not so long, food must be supplied daily - two or three kilograms per animal. In this case, the diet should include both juicy and concentrated feed.