Emerald is one of the most valuable resources found in Minecraft. If you do not take into account the possibilities offered by various mods, this mineral is not used in gameplay as often as, for example, the same diamond. However, in many operations it is difficult to do without it.

The value of emeralds in the game
Don't underestimate the importance of emeralds in Minecraft. Although it is impossible to make of them without installing additional plugins and mods, for example, armor or other walking items necessary in the gameplay, such minerals are indispensable for performing other tasks. It is especially difficult to do without them if there is at least one NPC village on the map.
As many seasoned players probably know, you can bargain for a lot of valuable resources from the inhabitants of such settlements. These are food, armor, potions, flint, compass, watches and many other items. In addition, there is an opportunity here to enchant armor, weapons and other things from your inventory, as well as to repair them when they are approaching their wear and tear. The only game currency that a gamer has a chance to pay for all this is emeralds.
They will also come in handy when constructing a lighthouse - a structure that gives the player many important effects (greater damage from his blows, acceleration, improved extraction of materials, faster regeneration, etc.). It is rightly believed that it is better to erect a pyramid at its base from emerald blocks, so that such a structure is stronger and less susceptible to destruction.
Traditional ways of getting emeralds
Emeralds, like many other similar materials, in Minecraft are mined from the corresponding ore. It is quite easy to recognize it: on it, against a grayish (stone) background, which is usual for such blocks, shining blotches of a green hue will be noticeable. However, finding her is very difficult - she is found in only one biome.
The mine for the extraction of emerald ore must be dug exclusively in the mountains. Such material is found only at a height of 4-32 blocks. Its amount for a single chunk is very small - with a lot of luck, you can get up to eight blocks. In the worst case, there will be three.
For mining them, at least an iron pick is suitable, but it is even better to grab a diamond pick with you - with its help, things will go faster. Moreover, she must certainly be enchanted with the "Silk Touch" - so as not to accidentally break such a rare and valuable resource with a tool.
Splitting blocks of emerald ore from the total rock mass, do not rush to melt them in a furnace for precious stones. It is better to keep such material in your inventory until you can enchant the pickaxe to the third level of luck. Then, when she breaks a block of ore, up to four emeralds will come out of it.
Crafting and dishonest methods of finding emeralds
Many gamers, who disagree with the unfairly small amount of emerald ore in the mountains and the caves that come across there, seek to invent easier ways to mine it. Some people are so eager to get ready-made gems right away, without any remelting.
Various mods help them in this. With one of them - Emerald Crafting - you can create emeralds at the workbench. To do this, it will be enough to place a diamond in its central slot and surround it with eight units of coal.
Some gamers resort to completely dishonest methods of mining such precious stones. For example, on multiplayer resources, other players are robbed - openly or simply by ransacking chests in their absence (if they are not sealed).
Someone uses cheating methods. Most often like this: thanks to special commands, he gets himself an administrator console, and then writes / give 288 on it (this number is the ID of the emeralds in the game). However, it is worth remembering that the punishment for such offenses can be the most severe - a ban. Therefore, it is more honest to still extract precious minerals in mines, and not by cheating.