Valeria Lanskaya is one of the few Russian actresses of the new generation who skillfully combines work in cinema and theater, manages to sing, voice cartoons and correctly build her personal life. There is little gossip and scandals in the press about her lately, but the interest of fans does not fade away.

How much does the in-demand Russian theater and film actress Valeria Lanskaya earn? Income from what activities, other than filming and acting on the stage, replenish its budget? Finding such information about the favorite of millions of Russian viewers is quite difficult. Lera is much more willing to talk about her creative plans and her latest works.
Who is Valeria Lanskaya
In the cinema, she often gets roles in melodramas, and in the theater she plays in performances based on classical works. Valeria has a unique talent for deeply getting used to the role and subtly conveying the feelings and emotions of her heroines. In her filmography there are already nearly 40 works. Film critics highlight such works as
- Anna from "The Hare over the Abyss",
- Anastasia from The Circus Princess,
- Alena from "New Year's Tariff",
- Julia from "Eternal Tale",
- Masha from "Missing"
- Lyudmila from Fighters and many others.

The actress is no less in demand in the theater. She has experience working on the stage of the Satyricon, the Theater of the Moon, the Moscow Operetta, Rybnikov's Creative Workshop, and the Moscow Provincial Drama Theater. She played in such performances as the musical "Scarlet Sails", "Raise My Eyes" based on Gogol, the rock opera "Juno and Avos", the operetta "Caesar and Cleopatra", "The Dog in the Seine", "The Night is Tender", "Hotel two worlds”and many others. The theatrical collection of the actress Valeria Lanskoy has already included 30 works.
Valeria is no less successful on television. She took part in the projects "Ice Age" (2nd season), where she performed in tandem with Alexei Yagudin, "Two Stars" - sang in a duet with Denis Klyaver, in the parody show "Repeat".
For her work, Valeria Lanskaya has already received more than 10 awards of various levels. The most significant of them are “Discovery - 2008”, “Favorite Artists of the Musical” (2010), “Favorite Artists of the Audience” (2011), “Best Female Role” at the festival “Amur Autumn” (2011) and a laureate at the International Festival of Musicals in South Korea in 2014.
Biography of Valeria Lanskoy
Valeria is a Muscovite. She was born at the very beginning of 1987 (January 2) in the family of choreographer Alexander Zaitsev and figure skating coach Elena Maslennikova. Parents broke up when the girl was only six years old. Now her dad lives in the USA with his new family, but he does not forget about Lera either.
The question of choosing a profession in childhood did not arise before Leroy - she was engaged in dancing, attended the figure skating section. In addition, the girl mastered the basics of music, even before starting her studies at a comprehensive school, she began to attend a theater studio.

In high school, Valeria Lanskaya became the official actress of the Young Actor's Theater. This did not affect her performance at school, moreover, she mastered the 11th grade as an external student and just barely reached the "gold medal". In 2002, Lera entered the legendary "Pike", three years later she began acting in films and entering the stage of "adult" theaters.
In high school and during her studies at the Shchukin Theater Institute, Valeria seriously thought about moving to her dad in the United States. The girl even kept a kind of diary, where there were two columns - for and against America. As a result, she chose to develop a career in Russia, which, according to her, she has never regretted.
Personal life of actress Valeria Lanskoy
Valeria has never experienced a lack of male attention. The press relished with pleasure the rumors about her office romances, invented details, and such that Lera sometimes had to give refutations and even make excuses.
Her first serious romance happened with a colleague, actor Andrei Alexandrin. The couple was together for a long time, the young people were already thinking about formalizing the relationship, but it never came to a wedding.
The next high-profile romance of the actress happened with the mentor on the Ice Age project Ilya Averbukh. The relationship came to naught after the completion of the project. Many even ask the question - were they even there?

Romanov, if you believe the rumors, Valeria Lanskoy had a lot, but only one man managed to take her "down the aisle". It was the film director Ivanov Stas. Valeria and Stas do not like to talk about how their relationship developed and is developing. They got married at the beginning of May 2015, and already in August their common child, the son of Artemy, was born.
How much does actress Valeria Lanskaya earn
The actress's income comes from her royalties for roles in theater and cinema, solo concerts organized by her director and the agency of private, corporate events. Valeria Lanskaya has never voiced the exact amount of fees anywhere. And it is her right not to let outsiders into her personal life and financial issues.

You can find out the exact cost of the performances of the actress and singer Valeria Lanskaya at private, city events only from the representatives of the agency or from its director. Attempts by journalists to clarify these figures from the actress herself cause her either surprise. Or indignation when correspondents are especially persistent and tactless. In the first case, the actress avoids answering, in the second she interrupts the interview, and sometimes quite abruptly. And many fans think she's absolutely right.