Every child, even if he has his own separate room, wants to have a special secluded place, a small "nest" where you can hide from the big and noisy world for a while, play, read or confer with your best friend. Therefore, all children build themselves improvised "huts" and "houses". If desired, they can easily transform into a submarine, truck or rocket - that's how fantasy tells you. A mother-needlewoman will make her child an invaluable gift if she sews such a "special" house for him.

It is necessary
- - a piece of foam rubber for the base and back, 5 cm wide;
- - a piece of foam rubber for walls 3 cm wide;
- - cotton fabric such as coarse calico or cotton jersey;
- - thick wire;
- - Velcro tape (Velcro tape);
- - sewing accessories;
- - materials for decoration (braid, strips of bright fabric, buttons, appliques, etc.).
Step 1
From thick foam rubber 5 cm wide, cut a rectangle or square for the base ("floor") of the house of the size you need. For a two-year-old baby, the inner space of the house of about 80x100 cm is quite enough. However, proceed from your individual needs and capabilities.
Step 2
Cut out the top part of the house from foam rubber 3 cm wide - a rectangle, one side of which is equal to the length of the side of the base, and the other is approximately twice as long as the side of the base where the entrance to the house will be, that is, the front. In this case (with an entrance width of 80 cm), the long side of the upper part of the house is 170 cm.
Step 3
From the cotton fabric, cut out two parts of the covers for covering both foam parts - the base and top of the orphanage. Their dimensions are calculated as follows: the width of the cover part is equal to the width of the foam part plus the thickness of the foam rubber and plus allowances for seams (1-1.5 cm each) on both sides. The length of the cover part is equal to twice the length of the foam part plus two thicknesses of the foam rubber and plus allowances for seams on both sides.
Step 4
On the cover of the upper part of the house, sew a strip of fabric, a drawstring into which you can insert a thick wire - something like the frame of the house, so that it does not "settle" over time. Cut a strip with a length equal to the width of the cover and about 2 cm wide, plus a 2 cm seam allowance. Turn the allowances on the wrong side of the strip and press them on, and then pin on the front side of the cover at a distance of about 20 cm from the short cut (on this side the house will have an entrance)
Step 5
Sew covers for the base and top of the house. Fold the cut-out base piece (with the right side of the fabric inward) in half along the long side. Stitch the long cuts of the cover, and press the allowances for the short cuts individually to the wrong side. Also sew a cover for the top of the house.
Step 6
Insert the foam parts into the covers. To make it more comfortable for you, bend the foam in half lengthwise and hold it with one hand, and open the cover with the other. Insert the foam rubber to the end of the cover and release it - it will straighten inside, and you just need to gently straighten the fabric on the volumetric part. Fold up the seam allowances on the covers and sew them by hand with strong threads.
Step 7
Cut 6 pieces of 20 cm long from the Velcro tape. Stick them (or sew) on the base of the house, three pieces at a time from the sides closer to the edge. Separate each piece of Velcro and glue the second piece to the end sides of the top of the house. Moreover, this must be done so that when assembling the house, both parts of each velcro will coincide
Step 8
Connect both parts of the house by matching the Velcro. Make a pattern for its back wall by attaching paper or newspaper to the back and tracing the shape of the hole that needs to be "closed". In this case, do not take into account the thickness of the foam rubber - circle only the "hole".
Step 9
Using the resulting pattern, cut out the back wall from foam rubber 5 cm thick. Sew a two-piece fabric cover for her. To cut the cover, use the same outlined shape, but add half the thickness of the foam rubber on all sides (2.5 cm) and a seam allowance (1 cm). Sew both parts along a rounded cut and insert the foam wall into the cover. Sew the open cut by hand.
Step 10
Sew the ribbons along the rounded edge of the back wall and along the corresponding (back) side of the upper part of the house so that when the wall is inserted into the hole, the ribbons on them align, and you can tie the wall to the house
Step 11
Insert the wire into a special drawstring for it, carefully cutting a small hole on one side in an inconspicuous place. The house is ready, but you can complicate its design by making, for example, windows of different shapes in it (these elements must be included in the drawing of the house at the initial stage, when cutting out the upper part from foam rubber). In this case, also cut out the covers taking into account the holes for the windows. You can make doors or curtains that close the entrance to the house, or something else that will be of interest to your baby.