Children grow up very quickly, but you always want your daughter to be dressed beautifully and fashionably. Buying children's clothing is almost the same in price as that of an adult, and will last only a few months. It's a shame. How to be, so as not to spend a lot of money on a children's wardrobe, and the daughter felt like a fashionista? Sew the dress yourself. It's not difficult at all! Follow our step by step instructions.

Download a simple pattern for a baby dress from the Internet. This pattern looks like a regular T-shirt. Print your pattern and transfer it to heavier paper or cardboard. This will be a kind of template that can be used when sewing a dress of any model, slightly modifying it. Make a copy of the pattern so as not to spoil the template, because we will be modeling the dress, and we will only take the top from the template.

Cut the bottom off from the top. Choose the place of the cut yourself, be guided by that the hem will begin from the cut line. It can start from the waist, just below, or from the hips. You can also make a high-waisted dress. The cutting line should not be straight, but slightly rounded. Transfer the resulting bodice pattern to the fabric. Cut and sew two halves: front and back. Sew on the side and shoulder seams, and then sew them on a typewriter.

Finish the edges of the armholes and necklines. You can just hem them or sew on some kind of edging, like lace. Put the top of the finished dress on your child and decide on the length of the hem. Cut out a piece of fabric for a rectangular hem. This piece should be twice as large as you intend, as it will fold in half during sewing. Leave a few more centimeters (3-5 cm) for the hem. The width of the rectangle is arbitrary. The wider it is, the more folds you will get, and the more magnificent the dress will be.

Begin sewing the hem to the bodice. Sew one side of the rectangle with the wrong side to the bodice. Then, when you sew on the other part (this will fold the hem in half), the front will be on the outside. Sew the hem evenly, making sure that the number of folds is the same on all sides. Decorate the dress. You can sew a ribbon at the junction of the bodice and hem. The dress is ready!