Such a scarf-hood made of woolen fabric can become a convenient and feminine addition to any girl's wardrobe. And sewing it is quite simple!

Probably, such a headdress appeared from the head. Bashlyk is a cloth pointed hood worn in bad weather over a headgear to protect it from cold, rain and sun heat. Has long blade ends for wrapping around the neck. In some regions, a hood is colloquially called a hood in general. But modern fabrics and fashion designers have made great changes in the design of the headdress, and today it has become more practical, comfortable, it can already be worn as an independent headdress.
In order to easily and quickly sew such a hood, choose a thick woolen fabric so that you do not need to make a lining.
Build a pattern on paper according to the suggested sizes, attach it to the most comfortable and familiar hoods. If the sizes or proportions of the upper part are very different, it is worth changing the pattern to your size.

Sewing sequence: cut out two such parts as on the pattern, sew from the first red dot to the last (on the pattern - in the clockwise direction). If you have a lot of fabric, you can carve out a long strip for this hood (with a fold at the top of the head), then you only need to make a small seam at the back of the head.
In order to trim this hood, sew a narrow strip of natural or artificial fur along the face, and collect the ends of the scarf and fasten fur pom-poms on them or sew on tassels, pom-poms from threads.
Helpful Hint: To make this hooded scarf warmer, use two layers of fabric or another lining (for example, a fleece of a suitable color).