Violet (Saintpaulia), a favorite pet of many flower growers. They were admired back in Soviet times, when the tenants of small-sized apartments were not spoiled by overseas plants. Every florist wanted to achieve a nodding violet bloom.
Step 1
It is believed that violets are able to calm, organize a positive atmosphere in the house. Flowers bring comfort. Blooming violets come in various sizes, shapes and colors. Some growers believe that white saintpaulias create the effect of purity and suppress negative thoughts. Pink and red shades of flowers are suitable for people who are thinking about material goods. Blue violets are good for the passionate, creative person. Pots of purple saintpaulia flowers will create a warm atmosphere of mutual understanding.
Step 2
Violets have the main advantage, they are able to bloom at any time of the year. The secret to nodding flowering is to take proper care of the plant. The planting material should look beautiful and without flowering. For this, it is important to develop the outlet correctly. Flower leaves should be in the same plane, petioles should not be elongated. The plant should be turned in different directions towards the light. It is worth considering that violets have a varietal peculiarity. Some bloom with bouquets (hats), others have a crown bloom.
Step 3
Soil is of particular importance for flowers. A breathable and lightweight blend is essential for violets. A good option would be a soil containing peat, perlite. In addition, the length of daylight affects the plant. Saintpaulia needs at least 10-12 hours of ambient light. Violets bloom well under artificial lighting.
Step 4
Watering is carried out with warm, settled water. Liquid should not enter the middle of the outlet. The plant does not tolerate drought and overflow. The most acceptable temperature for good plant development and nodding flowering is from +18 to + 24โะก.
Step 5
The plant is fed a month after planting. Fertilizers containing nitrogen help to form the correct outlet. During the budding period, feed with phosphorus fertilizers.