Play is what children love more than anything else. Most kids get to know the world mainly through games. This means that all developing businesses for children should be presented in a playful way.

Step 1
In the summer, the child himself can find a suitable activity. In addition, an older child can be sent to a health camp, he will not get bored there. But the younger ones have to be taken with them to nature. There are many "tools" for children's creativity in the forest: cones, acorns, twigs, etc. The collected leaves can be dried, and the child himself will put the leaves in the book. Sticks, cones, acorns can be put in a dry place until autumn.
Step 2
Autumn will come - take out the books, with the forgotten leaves, and a box with forest "riches". Leaves can not only be dried for a herbarium, they can be used to make beautiful paintings. And from everything else, you can make figurines of animals, people and everything for which there is enough imagination. And plasticine will help to hold the "parts" together. These useful activities not only captivate the child, but also develop the fine motor skills of his hands. And this is good for the brain and the body as a whole.
Step 3
Do not forget about children when doing household chores. They are just waiting for their mothers or fathers to call them to help with the housework. The child will be in sight and have a great fun, and will help.
Step 4
So that the weekend does not become just sitting at home, often go to amusement parks for the whole family, to movies or theaters - and the children will be interested, and gradually introduce them to the culture. And in amusement parks there are many all kinds of cafes with a playroom. Parents will be able to have lunch (dinner) in a relaxed atmosphere, and children will play with each other under the supervision of tutors and animators.