Winston Churchill is one of the brightest politicians of the twentieth century. His life is an example of how to go towards your goal and achieve what you plan, without wasting on details and conventions. He was able to bring a lot of new things into the life of English society and will be remembered by all people in the world for many years.

Winston Churchill is one of the brightest politicians of the last century. And this is clear to everyone, tk. the name of this person is known even to those who are not particularly interested in history or politics. An aristocrat, a high rank and just a man - what was Winston Churchill like?
Noble lineage

Of course, an English aristocrat could only be born into a noble family. Churchill's ancestors managed to leave their mark in their native country. John Churchill, who was born in 1650, could easily be equal to the future prime minister. Among his ancestors was the famous pirate Francis Drake. The father of Winston's distant ancestor was a prominent politician. It was John Churchill who was later able to open the way for his descendants to the court and be close to the king.
Winston himself was born, as they said, literally in the locker room. The thing is that his mother was at the ball when she felt unwell at birth. Despite the fact that relatives advised her not to go to this holiday, she still went to it. With the onset of the contractions, the woman was moved to the nearest room, which, by coincidence, at the time of the reception was converted into a dressing room. There she gave birth to a son. A corresponding article was published about this in the newspaper, and the baby was named Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.
The date of birth of the future politician is November 30, 1874. His parents were Randolph Henry Spencer - a lord and politician, as well as Chancellor of the Exchequer, mother - Lady Randolph - the daughter of a wealthy businessman.
Despite the fact that Winston was the child of wealthy parents, he hardly knew their attention. This, by the way, was typical for the wealthy estates - not to take care of children. The father devoted himself entirely to his career, while the mother was carried away by social life. Therefore, one of the main people in the boy's life was his nanny Elizabeth Everest, who was engaged in creativity with him and ensured that he received a proper education. Contemporaries of the future prime minister note that the nanny treated her ward with special love and care. It was she who initiated the LLP so that the boy was taken from the first school, where he went to study at the age of 7. After all, corporal punishment was practiced in that educational institution. At the same time, Churchill was rather capricious, which constantly put him under the threat of punishment.
Years of study
After such a drill, it was decided to transfer the boy to a closer school. As a result, Harrow School was chosen. This educational institution was also considered prestigious, while the discipline was not in the first place here. Winston Churchill adhered to an unusual tactic - he was not going to study everything, it was enough for him to study for himself those subjects that he personally liked. In relation to other disciplines, he was cold.
The father noticed that the boy was attracted to military battles from childhood - he even had a huge number of tin soldiers, with whom he constantly played. Therefore, the child was transferred to the "army" class. And this choice turned out to be correct - Churchill Jr. got involved in his studies, and then entered the Royal Military School. True, not on the first try and with the help of tutors.
Military career and creativity

Then Churchill's life continued along the chosen military path. He participated in various military operations, for example, the suppression of the uprising in Cuba. However, his military career cannot be called turbulent.
Churchill constantly rushed to hot spots, but, as contemporaries note, not to root for the war effort. They attracted him more from the creative side - he planned to act as a war correspondent. For his notes from Cuba, the future politician even received certain fees. Churchill's articles were highly appreciated by readers, and they even began to be taken away in well-known print media, such as the New York Times.
Political career
Following his military and correspondent career, his political fame began to develop. Churchill was widely recognized during his participation in the Boer War. He was actively engaged in defense, was taken prisoner, from where he was later able to escape. The press followed him and deliberately emphasized the strength of his spirit in order to strengthen patriotism among the population.
And this support from the press helped him a lot to make a career as a politician. he was familiar to his constituents. In the wake of his popularity, he easily won elections to the House of Commons. And there he has already actively developed criticism of the conservative leadership of the country. Then he got into the Liberal Party. Since 1905, Winston Churchill became Deputy Minister for Colony Affairs, and three years later he received the post of Minister of Trade and Industry.
Following his career, Winston became the Minister of the Interior, where he continued to monitor foreign policy. He showed himself brightly both in the First World War and in the Second World War. In the first case, he personally took part in operations and ordered the army to enter military positions. His options for offensives were not always successful, for example, one of the operations even led to the fact that the parliament demanded his resignation - then he volunteered for the front.
In 1917 he was appointed Minister of Armaments, after - just two years later - he became Minister of War and Minister of the Royal Air Force. Churchill was considered an ardent opponent of socialism and tried in every possible way to interfere with the establishment of Soviet power in Russia.
The Second World War was for Winston Churchill the heyday of his career. He participated in the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition. In all his actions, he was warmly supported by the people - by those standards, 84% of the population supported him.

Career decline
In the post-war years, Churchill's military skills became less important for the country. Economic problems came to the fore, which he had not previously dealt with at the highest level. And in the next elections, he could not get the desired victory.
After Churchill retired from public affairs, he again chose literature as his destiny - large-scale works, memoirs and other records, all this became for him a matter of those years. Moreover, for his efforts, he even became a Nobel laureate in literature. Churchill's work was also expressed in painting.
Personal life of a politician
If you look at Churchill's personal life, then everything is without any particular shocks. He did not have a tendency to run for skirts, he was not a gigolo, because and he himself was wealthy enough. And he did not enjoy great success with the ladies, tk. he liked to think a lot and gave the impression of a person who was always absent here.
In 1908 Winston Churchill married Clementine Hozier. The young man saved the belongings of family friends from the fire, and seriously risked his life, tk. the walls of the house literally collapsed behind him. The girl was impressed by such heroism, so she agreed to become his wife.
Churchill's husband was an unbearable character, but their marriage was quite happy. In everyday life, Churchill is called absent-minded, drinking and smoking a lot. He also visited casinos. Winston and Clementine lived together for 57 years.
Last years

At the end of his life, Churchill suffered a micro-stroke, but at the same time did not lose his activity and desire to act. Despite his deteriorating health, he managed to win the elections again and became prime minister again.
His health was falling more and more rapidly, he was treated for deafness and heart pathologies. At the same time, the politician resigned only when he turned 80 years old.
Churchill died on January 24, 1955 from a stroke. They buried him loudly and magnificently. All members of the royal family attended the funeral. At the same time, it is interesting that he wrote the script for his funeral himself.