The Magical Properties Of Raspberries

The Magical Properties Of Raspberries
The Magical Properties Of Raspberries

Raspberry has become famous as a plant endowed with various medicinal properties. However, this shrub, which bears fruit in the form of fragrant tasty berries, also has some magical powers. Especially often roots, flowers, branches, berries and leaves are used in village magic.

The magical powers of raspberries
The magical powers of raspberries

Raspberries are called the bear berry, as well as the Forest Queen. She is under the auspices of Venus. This planet endows plants with special feminine energy and certain magical powers. This allows the use of raspberries in love magic.

The plant has a strong connection with the water element. This feature makes it possible for raspberries to positively influence the atmosphere around them. With the help of a plant, you can cleanse the house of negativity and old energy, which harms more than helps in life. In addition, the healing properties of raspberries are also enhanced by the water element.

This plant is often used in magic as a natural amulet. It is believed that by planting a raspberry bush under windows or in a garden plot, you can protect yourself from gossip, the envy of neighbors, from the evil eye and evil magical effects. To protect the house from evil forces, you should hang thorny twigs of bush above the front door from the inside. The branches may contain not only leaves, but also fruits or flowers. This will provide additional protection. The protective bouquet must be tied with a red ribbon or red woolen thread. In dry form, raspberries do not lose their protective, protective properties, therefore this bouquet should not be thrown away when it ceases to be fragrant and fresh.

Wild raspberries have the strongest magical properties. If you bring branches of wild raspberries to your apartment, you can protect yourself from ghosts, spirits, ghosts. Flowers and leaves of the plant should be laid out in the rooms if there has recently been a deceased in the house. In addition, wild raspberries will also help in the case when someone has damaged a person or sent a curse. The plant will gently "cleanse" of the negative, "patch" the gaps in the biofield, and give a surge of new clean energy.

Raspberry in magic
Raspberry in magic

In love magic, first of all, fresh berries of the Forest Queen are used. From them, jelly, compotes, preserves are cooked, which are spoken in a certain way. With the help of such raspberry treats, you can bewitch, strengthen feelings, strengthen marriage, and improve relationships within the family.

It is believed that the aroma of raspberries brings comfort, harmony and tranquility to the house. Crafts made from twigs, roots, leaves of a plant or products in the form of decorative raspberry berries are excellent family amulets. They contain a magical power that "burns out" any problems. Raspberries will help to ensure that there is always peace and understanding between spouses, between parents and children. She will protect against quarrels, betrayal, betrayal and conflicts.

A person who is only looking for his love can also turn to the magic bush for help. If you carry with you a raspberry root or a leaf of this plant, then soon you will be able to meet the one who is destined by fate.

The bear berry is especially concerned with pregnant women and young children. She gives them a burst of energy, strengthens their health. In children, raspberry reveals natural talents, and guarantees an easy and quick birth for pregnant women.

Another magical property of raspberries is the ability to remove bad dreams. The plant as a whole has a beneficial effect on sleep, helps to overcome insomnia or night anxiety. To forget about nightmares, it is worth putting a few berries or raspberry leaves on the nightstand near the bed.
