Celtic Animal Horoscope: Fox

Celtic Animal Horoscope: Fox
Celtic Animal Horoscope: Fox

According to the ancient Celts, the cunning and energetic fox is the totem animal for people born between March 18 and April 14. Such people are naturally very talented, and they value friendship and loyalty.

Celtic horoscope
Celtic horoscope

Among the Celts, the mischievous red or red fox was a symbol of the Sun, warmth and light, energy and expression.

The fox man, as a rule, is always full of strength and ready for feats. Far lands beckon him, therefore there are a lot of travelers and wanderers among the foxes.

Those born under the sign of the fox boast excellent health and the ability to quickly adapt to different living conditions. For foxes, climate changes and weather changes are usually painless. Foxes recover very quickly, which allows them not to spend a lot of time on prolonged passive rest or on treatment.

Distinctive features of the fox-man are cunning, resourcefulness. Such individuals are often first-class manipulators and strategists. They have a developed "inner flair", which, combined with cunning, helps the foxes to outplay their rivals and competitors. In addition, the fox man most often has a brilliant and quick mind, high intelligence and a good memory. He puts all these features into play when he wants to achieve his goal. It is interesting that fox people often have high self-esteem, they are not afraid of difficulties and risks, and therefore they set the most incredible goals for themselves.

Despite the fact that the fox man values friendship highly, he loves to be in the spotlight, there is a lot of selfishness in him. In difficult situations, the fox will never refuse to help her friend or comrade, however, she is unlikely to do something to the detriment of herself. However, thanks to the ability to see non-standard options for solving various problems, the fox man rarely faces a choice: to help a friend or to satisfy his desires.

Inside the people who are patronized by the fox, there is a lot of vitality. Therefore, they seem tireless, a little stubborn, decisive and even courageous. There is really little fear in foxes, but a lot of masculinity and courage. Due to the special character and strength of mind, the fox man rarely becomes discouraged and rarely worries for a long time because of some failures or blunders. He quickly recovers not only physically but also mentally.

A person born under the sign of a fox according to the Celtic ancient horoscope is perfectly able to feel other people's emotions. He is full of kindness, light, compassion and mercy, although at first glance this is not visible. Many fox people are naturally soft-hearted, sensitive, and even vulnerable. However, they try not to constantly show their weaknesses, fearing that they would be hurt. Lisa likes to give the impression of a strong and independent, talented and bright personality.

The fox man has a rich inner world and developed imagination. This allows him to come up with various fantasy realities. Foxes make great writers, storytellers, and storytellers. Moreover, their stories are not empty, they are full of symbolism and secret meaning, since the fox man is by nature very wise.

Another trait typical of the fox is attentiveness. Such personalities notice various little things, notice a variety of subtle nuances and accents. They rarely make mistakes in work or study, they try to teach everyone around to be disciplined, attentive and focused.
