The ability to navigate unfamiliar terrain in life will come in handy in the most unforeseen situations. Therefore, each person should know the elementary rules of such orientation and learn how to find their way on their own. What are the easiest signs to navigate in the area?

It is necessary
- - compass,
- - map.
Step 1
First of all, it is worth mastering such a simple device as a compass. If you have a clear map and a working compass, then you will be able to navigate the terrain at any time of the day. The compass will help you determine the sides of the horizon. And orientation on the ground, in fact, implies the process of determining the position in relation to objects and cardinal points.
Step 2
The direction in a certain direction of the world can be learned to determine without the help of a compass. This can be done, for example, by the sun. So, if we are in middle latitudes, then at about seven in the morning we see the sun in the east, at about 1 in the afternoon it is located in the south, and at 7 in the evening, respectively, in the west.
Step 3
If you have a lonely tree in front of your eyes, then the cardinal directions can also be determined from it. Such a tree has fewer branches from the north side than from the south side, where a lot of the sun gets. However, this method cannot be considered accurate, because the winds also affect the tree.
Step 4
You can determine the sides of the horizon by stumps by looking at their annual rings. Such rings will be wider on the south side, again due to sunlight.
Step 5
Anthills should be viewed from the point of view of their shape - on the south side, they are flatter. Also, anthills, as a rule, are located on the south side of trees and bushes. Take a closer look at the moss - it covers the stones from the north. The same goes for lichens in trees.
Step 6
If you want to orient yourself at night, then you need to find the constellation Ursa Major in the sky. Draw a straight line conditionally through the two outermost stars of the constellation. On this straight line, mark the distance between the same stars five times. Thus, you have found the pole star. This star points directly to the north. Stand facing her: on the right is east, on the left is west.
Step 7
The full moon at 7 pm is in the east, at 1 am in the south, and at 7 am in the west. In the first quarter: at 7 pm - south, at 1 am - west. In the last quarter: at 1 am - east, at 7 am - south. Thus, you can easily navigate both day and night.