Terrain Orientation Methods

Terrain Orientation Methods
Terrain Orientation Methods

Terrain orientation is an approximate determination of your location using terrain features, horizon sides, prominent local objects, and so on. You can also determine your location by heavenly bodies and using a compass. To do this, you should know the basic nuances of orientation on the ground.

Terrain orientation methods
Terrain orientation methods

Compass and sky

If you have a compass at hand, you can determine the sides of the horizon (north, east, south and west) and relate them to your location in relation to the landmarks you need. This is usually most effective in confined areas. To use it, place the compass in a horizontal position so that the arrow brake is released. When the arrow stops wobbling, its tip will point you north. To determine the sides of the horizon by the sun without the help of a compass, face the luminary and put on your palm a watch that shows the local time so that its arrow points to the sun. Pay attention to the line that halves the angle between the direction by the number "1" (winter time) or the number "2" (summer time) - it will indicate the direction to the south.

By the clock and the moon, you can navigate the terrain if the starry sky is covered with clouds.

At night, you can determine your approximate location by the waxing or waning moon. To do this, visually divide the radius of its disk into six identical parts, determine their number across the visible part of the sickle, and time the clock. Subtract or add from the resulting time (for the waxing or waning moon, respectively) - you get a figure that will show the time when the sun will take the place of the moon in that direction. To determine the south with your watch, point the side of the dial towards the moon that corresponds to the number obtained from the previous calculations. The direction will be indicated by the bisector of the angle between the direction of an hour or two hours (winter and summer time, respectively) and the moon.


To learn how to determine the sides of the horizon by objects around you, remember the following rules. Most trees have darker and coarser bark on the north side, while the bark on the south side is light in color and elastic. Brown and cracked pine bark will be raised higher on the north side of the tree, and resin on coniferous trees will accumulate more abundantly on the south side. You can also navigate by stumps - their annual rings are more densely located on the south side.

The northern direction is easy to identify by fungi and lichens that abundantly cover tree trunks, stones, tile, wood and tile roofs.

If there are anthills nearby, be aware that they are usually located on the south side of bushes, stumps and trees - in addition, the steep slope of the anthills points to the north, and the gentle slope to the south. If there are fruit trees or bushes in the area, take a closer look at the color of their berries or fruits - they will be more yellow / red on the south side. The same applies to freestanding trees, which have a thicker and more lush crown, growing in a southerly direction. And finally, if there is a chapel or an Orthodox church nearby, be guided by their main entrances, which are always located on the west side.