Cereal Applications: Execution Methods

Cereal Applications: Execution Methods
Cereal Applications: Execution Methods

Many children enjoy picking and sprinkling cereals. This activity can be made even more fun for the child if you make applications from cereals. In addition, this type of creativity helps to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, which in turn contributes to the formation of the baby's thinking, speech, and fantasy. The work done can be given as a birthday present to relatives and friends, hung on the walls to decorate the home interior. And this kind of creativity will not leave adults indifferent either.

Cereal applications: execution methods
Cereal applications: execution methods


Children from 1, 5-2 years old can start making applications from cereals under the guidance and supervision of their parents. First you need to print a large drawing on an A4 sheet. Coloring books that are appropriate for the age of the child are ideal for this. Drawings of mom and baby are also suitable. To begin with, you need to use only the simplest contours: the sun, chicken, vase, fish, snowman, bee, flower, hedgehog, house, tree, mushroom, etc. For work you will need: PVA glue, cardboard the size of a landscape sheet, a saucer, wet wipes and types of cereals suitable for the composition.

Rice, buckwheat, barley groats, sunflower, squash, watermelon and pumpkin seeds, beans, lentils, barley, peas, semolina, corn, etc. are suitable. To make the appliqués look brighter, the rump can be colored. The best way is to sprinkle the cereal in the diluted gouache water. After a while, the water must be drained, and the grains must be dried on paper or oilcloth. Usually rice stains well. Colored cereals can be stored in baby food jars.

Creative crafts turn out to be more elegant if you use colored cardboard. You can immediately apply a drawing to it. Or, in order for a printed drawing to be printed on colored cardboard, it must be put on the cardboard in advance and circled, pressing hard on the pencil. Then you can draw a drawing on cardboard from the print. This method is suitable for those moms who have doubts about their artistic ability.

Next, you need to prepare a workplace: spread an oilcloth or newspaper. The printed or drawn drawing must be glued on the cardboard in advance with PVA glue. Then take the cereal of the same color for now and pour it into a small container or saucer. For example, millet is suitable for chicken, because it is yellow.

Applique from cereals for babies 1, 5-3 years old

It is advisable to take up each lesson with finger games. This will help to stretch your fingers in advance. If the baby is still small, then the mother herself can smear the inside of the chicken mold with PVA glue using a brush or finger. But now we need to allow the crumbs to pour millet with handles directly onto the drawing. Immediately it is necessary to teach him to shake off the excess grain in a bowl. Thus, the child will already receive a successful result of his work. It is worth rejoicing with the baby and posting the work in the most conspicuous place in a frame.

Small details can be painted in advance with a felt-tip pen: beak, eyes. Young children simply adore children's folklore. You need to deal with them using rhythmic rhymes, rhymes and nursery rhymes. For example, "Baba was sowing peas, and Baba said" Oh ". Mom can teach such poems in advance so that they can be used in time for creativity classes.

Further, the applications can be complicated by using a combination of various cereals and pasta. In this case, the child already glues some parts himself, putting them in the right place. Growing up, the child himself will be able to smear glue with his finger.

Appliques from cereals for children 4-7 years old

By the age of 4-5, when children have already mastered the technology of gluing with glue, the task can be complicated. Mom can prepare a sheet by spreading it with a thin layer of plasticine of the required background and pushing a drawing on it. And the child himself will take the cereal and paste over the contour and fill it from the inside. Here the child will need much more patience. In order not to discourage the child from hunting, do not force him to immediately finish the work, because preschoolers can hold their attention for a short time. Duration of classes 15-20 minutes is normal.

In addition, applications can be combined with the study of the surrounding world and letters. For example, when making an elephant, you can emphasize that the word "Elephant" begins with the letter "C". Also tell where elephants live, what sounds they make, what color they are, etc. In addition, the child learns the concepts of geometric shapes, color, symmetry, etc. At the same time it is necessary to acquaint the kid with various techniques of laying out the pattern: chain, mosaic to the center, mosaic - "whirlwind", "herringbone".

At the senior preschool age of 6-7 years, the baby will already be able to make the background himself with the help of plasticine and completely fill it with cereals to create a composition. Also, complicated plot-thematic applications are used with the child. For example, "Fish in the Aquarium", "Flowers on the Lawn". Volumetric applications - vases, pencil holders, will take more time. To do this, you need to take a suitable jar or box and offer to first coat it with plasticine on top. And then the child himself fantasizes with what patterns and drawings to decorate the object.

Schoolchildren and adults can also get carried away with this type of creativity. Gradually, from simple to complex, it is possible to master the artistic methods of transition from color to color in order to create beautiful paintings and crafts.
