Parkour is incredibly popular with the younger generation. Despite the seeming ease of movement, you should not be frivolous about parkour. Its essence is in overcoming obstacles of a different nature: railings, parapets, walls. It is difficult to learn the basic tricks, however, everything is possible if you follow some rules. Parkour combines skills from different sports areas: athletics, rock climbing, artistic gymnastics, acrobatics. The main goal of parkour is to develop motor and coordination skills that will help to ensure fast, effective, and most importantly, effective and safe movement in conditions of physical obstacles.

Step 1
The basic rule of parkour is never try to do what you see for the first time right away. Each element must be carefully crafted.
Step 2
The second rule - never start a workout without a warm-up first, do at least a run. In training, do not stop for a minute, keep the muscles warm.
Step 3
The third rule is that beginners should train in the gym or on loose sand in order to protect their body as much as possible. It is advisable that several people are present for insurance.
The fourth rule - first master the simplest tricks, work them out to automatism, and only after that move on to more complex elements.
Step 4
For example, a simple Roll element or somersault. It should be trained only on soft surfaces or on the grass to avoid back injuries. Never lean on the middle of your back, start the roll from the shoulder, moving to the opposite thigh.
Step 5
Most parkour tricks are jumping, so learning how to land properly is essential. Experts recommend not jumping from a height of more than one and a half meters at first. For example, when practicing the wallrun element, keep in mind that the stage of running up the wall itself should be fast (from 1 to 5 seconds). This means that you can only jump from the height to which the race was made.
Step 6
Gradually move on to more difficult elements, for example, monkey vault - jumping over an obstacle using your hands. It is the most basic element of all jumping parkour elements.
Step 7
So, having run up to the obstacle, put your hands on it shoulder-width apart and jump, pressing your legs to your chest. At the moment of finding yourself over the obstacle, bend forward and carry your legs between your hands. Then remove your hands by pushing them off the obstacle. To practice this element, choose low obstacles. Multiple workouts will help you to confidently master the basics of parkour and gradually move on to more complex elements.