First you need to learn how to just go forward. Do not forget that you need to push off not with the teeth on the tip of the blades, but with the inner edge of the skate of the jogging leg, initially the legs should be at an angle to each other, approximately in the second dance position. You are driving forward, which means you can start learning how to drive back.

It is necessary
- - skates,
- - ice.
Step 1
Begin to master the movement back near the fence and at a time when there are not very many people on the rink.
Step 2
To begin with, place the blades parallel to each other, bend your legs slightly, tilt the body forward slightly. Push back from the support and try to slide a couple of circles so that you feel the body and its balanced position while moving back forward. Ideally, ask someone who is good at skating to tow you. Be sure to look back over your shoulder to control the situation behind your back and, if necessary, stop in time.
Step 3
The next step is to place your jogging foot about half of the shoe forward and try to turn your legs slightly with your toes inward. Slowly change your jogging leg, practically without lifting the skates from the ice and transferring the weight of the body to the leg with which you will push off. Remember to keep your limbs bent. Ride in this position until you feel more or less stable. At this stage, the tug is also very useful.
Step 4
Gradually abandon the tug. Place your legs at an angle of 45o to each other (socks inward), transfer about 70% of your body weight to the pushing leg and push off. Take-off and movement of the skates should be done smoothly and slightly in an arc.
Step 5
Change the order of repulsion of the legs, gradually transferring the weight from one to the other, but at the same time trying to keep it in the middle. You should have a movement similar to the pigtail bypass line.
Step 6
Once you have mastered riding backwards in a straight line, you can start learning how to run backwards. Begin to move backward in a straight line, then move the jogging leg behind the pivot leg inside the circle, moving your weight onto it. Then with the other foot, take a step back into the circle and transfer the center of gravity there.
Step 7
Before developing speed in motion, learn how to brake. The best way to brake is to bring your legs parallel and sharply rotate them perpendicular to the movement, leaning forward, but shifting the center of gravity back.