Roller skating is a fascinating and at the same time challenging type of active recreation. Difficulty only in the absence of the necessary coordination. How to get this coordination? The recipe is simple: skates, a playground, a partner, and a little theory.

To get rid of the uncertainty, it is important to know that you can master roller skating very quickly. To do this, especially the first 2 days, you need to load your legs to the maximum, as a result of which the skills of a pedestrian will be “softened”, and the body will be rebuilt for a new type of movement. It is most effective to give the load 2 days in a row. It is very important to use protective equipment in the early stages of training, it will not only protect against injury, but also add confidence.
Task on the first training day: periodically changing the exercises below, you need to bring your legs to the "state of not standing". The next day of training, we repeat everything exactly and focus on what does not work out. If you put a strong load on your legs in the first two workouts, on the third day you will feel the result of the classes, and it will become possible to learn to roller-skate for pleasure, gradually mastering new elements.
To learn how to roller skate, you need to choose an area with a flat surface and plenty of space. A car park (empty) or a flat area in front of the building will do. For beginners, the main difficulty will be braking, you immediately need to decide how to do it. The best option is to bring a companion for insurance. If there is none, then to stop you can grab high parapets, trees, railings, or jump out onto the grass.
Be sure to set yourself a goal: "ride" a certain distance on the rollers. Each time you can change routes and complicate your task. You need to roller-skate around all the small obstacles - cracks, pebbles, oil stains, candy wrappers. Not in order not to fall, but in order to further hone turns, maneuvers and balance. It's also just fun.
"Walking on rollers"
It may not be effective at first glance, but it’s easier to start moving, becoming on the rollers for the first time. Just take a step and you will start moving forward. You do not need to accelerate quickly, the main thing is to catch balance. Our task is to rearrange the legs, as in normal walking, trying to roll on each one as long as possible.
The difference from walking is that you need to push off not with the front of the foot, but with all the wheels at the same time.
"Ski run"
This activity is designed to get used to the rollers. Legs are parallel, shoulder width apart. The left leg moves forward, the right leg moves backward, and vice versa. Here, as in the previous exercise, all the wheels touch the ground - unlike normal skiing. Moving your legs back and forth, after 10 minutes you will feel the effect - it will become easier to roll. This skill will help you learn to roller skate faster.
Do not shift the center of gravity by one leg, it should always be in the middle. Increase the distance gradually, taking one leg more backward and the other forward. There is also a gradual emphasis on speed.
It is necessary to arrange objects, for example, disposable cups, in one line with a gap of 1.5 meters. Having dispersed a little, try to go around them.
Your task is to gradually reduce the number of cups knocked down to zero. Legs when performing first - shoulder width apart, then the distance needs to be reduced. When mastering the exercise, the distance between the cups can be reduced.
The second modification of the exercise: the cups stand randomly around the site. At the same time, the task is not to drive in a straight line, but to constantly maneuver, improving the "coolness" of the turns.
All exercises must be alternated, the variety will facilitate the mastery of the technique and, most importantly, will help you learn to roller-skate faster. In the future, with proper development, it will be possible to move on to more advanced exercises.