The popularity of such a sport as figure skating is growing from year to year. Skating professionally not only strengthens the vestibular apparatus, but also contributes to the development of flexibility, coordination of movements and attentiveness.

Step 1
Buy skates made from genuine leather. The size of the boots should match the size of your foot. If the skate does not wrap tightly around your leg, you can twist it and get injured.
Step 2
Remember to lace up your shoes tightly, being careful not to miss the hooks. If you feel that the skates are a little tight, loosen the lacing slightly.
Step 3
Standing on the ice, you do not need to straighten your knees. Keep them half bent until you are comfortable with the ice.
Step 4
If you slip, try to always fall on the back or side of your thigh. This will soften the blow. It is necessary to rise after a fall not from the pelvis, but from the knees. Pull your legs bent at the knees to the body, get on your knees, and then on your feet.
Step 5
The meaning of the initial slip is reduced to the correct repulsion by the edge of the skate, timely bending and straightening of the knee of the supporting leg. At the same time, it is necessary to transfer body weight from the right leg to the left or vice versa. The push should be done not with the toe, but with the edge of the skate. It is necessary to bend the knee not during the push, but before it.
Step 6
To learn how to brake, bend your knees, tilt your torso slightly forward and turn the toes inward, keeping your feet about 45 cm apart.
Step 7
Skating tricks are called figure skating elements. Using both edges of the blade - external and internal - skaters have the opportunity to perform the same element in several versions. So, a toothed jump from the inner edge of the supporting leg will be called a flip, and from the outer edge - a lutz.
Step 8
The basic elements of figure skating are all kinds of arcs. To arc forward on the outer edge, place your feet in third position. Direct the toe of the right foot forward in the direction of sliding, push off with the inner edge (left skate) and transfer the body weight to the opposite leg. When performing the element, keep the right knee bent, the left leg straight, and the toe turned out. Next, you need to move the center of mass in the direction of movement along the arc and turn the shoulder girdle in the direction of the bend of the arc.
Step 9
Having mastered the forward arc, you can begin to master the forward and backward jumps, triple turns and more difficult steps.