When choosing a reel, novice anglers, first of all, pay attention to its cost, believing that the reel is not the main thing, but the main thing is skill and experience. And buy cheap Chinese coils in the market. And in the process of fishing, they suddenly discover that it is not possible to cast the bait far, just as it is not possible to make a normal wiring, hooking. If you bite a large fish, the chances of pulling it ashore with a cheap Chinese fake are close to zero. In addition, such a reel is unlikely to be able to last even one fishing season. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a reel of high quality and reliable, world-renowned manufacturers.

Step 1
The easier the mechanism rotates, the higher the sensitivity of the reel, the higher the comfort when fishing. The higher the sensitivity, the more sharply you will feel the work of the bait while driving. The coil should not make much noise, the rotation of the rotor should be smooth. The sensitivity is made up of many parameters - the weight of the coil, the material used, the number of bearings, the ease and smoothness of the movement, the literacy of the assembly in general. The number of bearings in a reel can vary from 0-15 pieces. They are necessary for the smooth operation of the mechanisms. The durability of the fishing reel also depends on their number. But chasing a large number of bearings is not worth it, because each bearing is extra weight and extra money. It is considered optimal if there are from 3 to 6 bearings in the coil. The gear ratio affects the winding speed, ranging from 1: 3.2 to 1: 6.2.
Step 2
On the spool of each reel it is written how much line it can hold (not a braided cord, it will always fit less) of one diameter or another and there are markings 1000, 2500, etc. This is the volume of the spool. The 2500-3000 are, according to Shimano's classification, the most versatile. You can't wind a lot of line on a spool with a volume of less than 2000, therefore, it will quickly end, the distance to the side will instantly increase, and this greatly affects the casting distance. Pay attention to what material the spool is made of. Metal with various coatings or plastic. The first has an advantage in casting distance, the second has a much lighter weight, respectively, the total weight of the reel is less. The size of the reel is usually determined according to the classification:
"500" is a miniature ultralight spinning reel.
"1000-1500" - a small reel for ultra- or light spinning.
"2000" - medium size.
"3000-4000" - large traction reel.
“More than 4000” are quite rare coils, really large ones.

Step 3
Many fishermen were faced with "shooting" the bait at the moment of casting due to the spontaneously slamming bail of the line. Summed up the unreliable fixation mechanism of this very bow. How can you check it back in the store? Open the bow. If you hear a characteristic click, it means that a system is installed that prevents spontaneous reset. Now, swing your hand with the reel sharply, simulating a cast. The bow should close when turning the handle of the reel, but not when casting.
Step 4
It is important that when the bow is closed, the line falls directly on the roller, without clinging to any protrusions and irregularities. Inspect everything carefully for roughness and burrs. With all the variety of rollers, the main thing is a smooth transition from the arch of the line to the roller. The roller should rotate even from a light touch, otherwise the line will rub it. For better rotation, a ball bearing is often installed inside the roller.

Step 5
The profile of the wound line on the spool should be even, without bumps and dips. You can check it only by winding the line on the spool and visually assessing the quality of the winding. It is good if an "endless screw" or another winding system is installed in the reel, in which the line does not lay down turn to turn, but at an angle - the so-called cross winding. This kind of winding prevents the upper turns from falling down lower. The presence of an endless screw in the coil is wonderful. But you can live without it. it is required only for lovers of jerk wiring. There are other kinematic layouts that can provide good line lay. For example, the S-notch crank system fits the line well. And the Shimano Sedona reel uses elliptical and square gears to provide variable speed for the spool, avoiding dead center idleness.
Step 6
All parts inside the reel must be metal, for casting distance it is better that the spool is also metal. This means that the weight of the reel can only be reduced due to the material of the body. Manufacturers often use alloys for the manufacture of various parts, which also has a positive effect on weight.