The younger Gazmanov is no longer Rodion, but Philip. The boy is hardworking, modest and successful, his biography and personal life are discussed, interesting, and many already know who he is - this is not just the adopted son of a famous composer, singer and showman, but also a popular model.

Gazmanov Philip Olegovich is the adopted son of a famous showman. However, many note that he is very similar to him, and not only externally, but also in character - restrained, modest, far from narcissism, loves sports, completely devotes himself to study and career development. The young man does not try to rest on the laurels of his adoptive father, does not punch his way with his last name, but tries to achieve success on his own.
Who is Philip Gazmanov
The biological father of Philip Gazmanov is the brother of the notorious Sergei Mavrodi Vyacheslav. At the time of the boy's birth - November 29, 1997 - the parents divorced, and his mother met with Oleg Gazmanov. Both the singer and Philip's mother decided not to connect the boy's fate with scandalous relatives and surname, so he became Gazmanov.
Philip's adoptive father never emphasized the absence of consanguinity, and gave the boy an excellent education:
- primary - in one of the Moscow schools,
- secondary - in a private English school,
- musical - as part of the group "Fidgets",
- sports - in football and rugby groups.
Philip's musical career did not work out, and he himself was more attracted to sports. This desire pushed his way not only in the English rugby team, but also in the modeling business. The young man is beautifully built, regular training made his body sculpted, which, coupled with an excellent appearance, brought him to the podium.
Now Philip Gazmanov continues his studies in England, takes part in fashion shows from leading fashion designers, is an active and rather successful, promising player of one of the rugby teams in the UK.
Philip and Oleg Gazmanov
Often in the media you can see speculation articles that Oleg Gazmanov is not the adopted, but the biological father of Philip. Moreover, not only the “yellow” newspapers “sin” with this, but also quite serious editions. The secret is simple - Oleg noticed his mother Philip, while still married to his first wife, but the girl was categorically against the connection with a married man.
A new meeting took place when both Oleg Gazmanov and Philip's mother Marina Mavrodi were divorced from their first wife and husband. Marina at that time was waiting for the baby to appear, and the connection with his biological father was completely severed. This period of the young woman's life was far from easy, the support of Oleg Gazmanov helped her a lot.
The couple married before Philip was born, and Oleg did not have to adopt a child. So he had a second son. Oleg Gazmanov never emphasized that Philip was his adopted son. He treated him, and Rodion, and his daughter Marianne, who was born later, with the same warmth and love, gave the children an excellent education, supported them in any endeavors.
Philip grew up as a worthy son for Oleg Gazmanov - loving, stubborn, responsible, athletic. In his advancement in any of the areas of his career, he never uses the name of his adoptive father, and achieves everything himself.
Personal life and career of Philip Gazmanov
Philip Gazmanov is a bright young man, and he is constantly credited with romances with any girl with whom he has joint photos, and it does not matter, on his Instagram or just in the newspapers. They managed to "marry" him with
- Malikova Stesha,
- Sasha Spielberg,
- by a certain girl named Anya.
Philip denied novels with the first two applicants, but refuses to answer questions about Anna. All that the journalists managed to find out - the girl studies in one of the Moscow schools and is an old friend not only of Philip Gazmanov himself, but also of his entire family.
Much more is known about the career of Philip Gazmanov than about his personal life. As a child, he played quite successfully in the children's group "Fidgets", but his father recommended that he switch to a different type of activity. According to Oleg Gazmanov, the boy has perfect hearing, but with vocal data the situation is somewhat worse.
Simultaneously with his work in Fidgets, Philip was actively involved in sports - he “rocked” in the gym with his father and brother, was a member of the youth football team and showed great promise. After moving to England, Philip became interested in a parallel sport - rugby, and is now successful in this game.
An extraordinary appearance allowed Philip Gazmanov to try himself in the modeling business, and he again achieved success. Russian and foreign modeling agencies invite him to shows and photo shoots, but the young man is in no hurry to conclude official and long-term contracts. At the moment he is focused on education.