The name Philip is not common on the territory of Russia, but now there is a tendency for its popularity to grow. This is due to the exoticism of the name and its positive meaning.

The meaning and origin of the name
The name Philip originated in Ancient Greece. It means “loving horses” (φιλέω “love” + ἵππος “horse”). Horses were among the most revered of Greek animals, so the name Philip was a sign of someone from a noble and respected family. Many rulers from the most ancient times were also called by this name. Among the most famous are the emperors of Ancient Rome, Philip the Arab and Philip the Younger, five Macedonian kings from the Argeades and Antipatrides dynasties, the French kings Philip Augustus, Philip the Bold and Philip the Handsome, the Spanish rulers Philip of Castile and Philip Bourbon. Also, this name was common among dukes, earls and other noble nobles. Several saints with this name are also known: Apostle Philip, Philip the Nicomedian, Philip of Iran.
In Russia, two saints Philip are also venerated - Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia.
The character of a man named Philip
The meaning of the name predetermines the traits of its owner. So, Philip is often hot and irrepressible, like an unbroken horse. He is used to demanding and achieving his goal - with threats, whims, flattery. Philip's mood can be subject to sudden changes, and actions are often subordinated to dominant emotions. Philip can offend a loved one in the heat of the moment, but at the same time he is very dependent on the opinions of others and is proud of himself. Philip is sensitive to criticism and constantly tries to prove that he is the best. Striving for success will help him achieve a high position in society, but a painful attitude towards negativity on the part of enemies can cause a lot of trouble. At the same time, Philip likes to be at the center of society and dreams of fame. In a family, the bearer of this name is likely to dictate their conditions to their household. A gentle woman who does not take her husband's emotional outbursts to heart is suitable for him. Philip is a careerist, so household chores will always be in the background for him.
The name Philip is used not only in Russia, but also in Great Britain, USA, Hungary, Bulgaria, France, Finland, Germany and Asian countries.
Tips for Philip
First of all, Philip needs to learn how to control emotions and treat criticism correctly. Critical remarks need to be differentiated, not paying attention to unreasonable negativity and taking note of valuable advice on self-development. Philip often communicates only with those people who subserviently worship his talents and speak only positively about him. You need to expand your social circle, including useful people who have also achieved something in life and have their own opinions on many issues. In family relations, Philip should be softer - he is not always aware of the resentment that he causes in the household with his careless statements.