Nature itself encourages a person to move in the same rhythm with her - the rhythm of the dance. Initially, there were no rules in the dance - people just came up with movements and danced. Then there were already seasonal dances, ritual dances, dances that were danced on certain holidays. Folk dances are still popular today, because they help maintain a connection between generations dancing in the same rhythm.

Step 1
It is best if you sign up for a dance studio, where an experienced teacher will teach you folk dances. If you do not have such an opportunity, or your city does not teach the dances you are interested in, you can learn them yourself. Allocate time for yourself to exercise and stay within your established schedule. You should do it several times a week. Let it be better to train three times a week for half an hour than one workout for an hour and a half.
Step 2
Prepare comfortable dancing clothes. At first, a skirt or trousers that do not restrict movement, a T-shirt and comfortable shoes will be enough for you. However, over time, you will need a colorful national costume. In it you will have the desire to practice more often and harder, and it will come in handy during your performances. In addition, many national dances are danced in special shoes. For example, in Irish dances there are not only special shoes - hard shoes - hard shoes and softs - soft, but also special waffle knee-highs that protect the calf muscles of the dancers.
Step 3
Find a suitable dance venue. If you don't have a spacious room in your home where you can study, try negotiating a room. This could be a sports class at a university, or your company conference room.
Step 4
There are many websites that detail dance moves. There are also many tutorial videos on YouTube where experienced dancers show dance moves. It is best if you use both the video and the description of the dance when teaching.
Step 5
Sometimes master classes are held in dance schools. These are classes in which a famous dance teacher teaches everyone one dance or a complex movement. These sessions are infrequent and can last for several hours. If you live in a regional center where there is no folk dance school you are interested in, you can come to master classes in a large city. They are usually held on Sundays. Such classes will be of great help in your self-study.