The number of various dances and dances in Russia is incalculable. But in all of them there are characteristic features: this is a special cheerfulness, breadth of movement, poetry, daring, a combination of simplicity and modesty.

It is necessary
- - a circle of Russian folk dances;
- - costume.
Step 1
Russian dances have different names: sometimes according to the song to which they are danced ("Seni", "Kamarinskaya"), sometimes according to the number of dancers ("Four," Doubles "), and sometimes the name determines the picture of the dance itself (" Vorottsa ", "Wattle").
Step 2
Russian dance is a kind of Russian folk dance. It includes round dances, impromptu dances (lady, dance), as well as dances with a certain sequence of figures (lance, square dance).
Step 3
In each region of the Russian Federation, these dances are modified in manner of performance and character, have their own name, usually derived from the name of the area. The time signature is usually 6/8 and 2/4. There are fast and slow Russian dances, as well as dances with accelerated tempo.
Step 4
Often they are performed in a circle, accompanied by a song, and sometimes in the form of a dialogue between the participants. Women: Dance smoothly, stately, with a slight flirtation, play with a handkerchief. Men: Dance with dexterity and breadth, with humor.
Step 5
Russian round dances are divided according to the seasons and days off from work. Taking the division of round dances into spring, autumn and summer, notice the real picture of Russian life and follow the gradual course of folk amusements.
Step 6
Join hands. Move in a wavy line (snake), pass under the arch formed by the first pair. Divide into two lines, disperse in different directions and gradually come closer.
Step 7
Girls: Drop handkerchiefs and wreaths on the ground. Young men: pick up the scarves and return them to the hostesses. This dance symbolizes matchmaking, marriage.
Step 8
Dances-improvisation and dances-competition are more popular than round dances. Do not shackle yourself with a certain composition, express yourself, show everything that you are capable of. These dances are always unexpected both for the audience and for the performers themselves.
Step 9
Among the dances-improvisations, the most famous are the following: "Lady", "Valenki", "In the Garden", "Matryoshka". Try to dance "Matryoshka". Girls: Stand in two lines, facing the audience. Heels together, hands on the belt. The fingers are clenched into fists.
Step 10
Put your right foot forward on the heel, slightly squat on the left. Turn the body to the right, spread your arms to the sides. Return to starting position. Repeat four times for each leg.
Step 11
Girls of the first rank make a "collar" with their hands. Spring on your toes, turn in different directions. Each girl from the second line needs to run around the one standing in front. Repeat the movements for 17-20 measures. Take three steps with your hands on your belt. Bow down by slowly lowering your arms. With the last chord, straighten up sharply, put your hands on your belt.
Step 12
Game dances have a special place: they have a pronounced playful beginning, the observation of the people is manifested either about natural phenomena ("Blizzard", "Blizzard"), or about any birds and animals ("Dergach", "Bear"). Imitate the habits of animals or birds, try to give them human traits. Use movements that imitate the gait of ganders, bears.