Belly dance trousers are one of the most used items in a costume. They can be sewn from almost any fabric: silk, satin, velvet. But it is better to use flowing materials. Trousers also differ in style. You can sew regular pants, gathered at the ankle, you can also collect them at the knee level. Or you can make harem pants with flounces at the bottom. At the same time, they are sewn quite quickly and easily.

It is necessary
Cloth, scissors, thread, needles and pins, elastic
Step 1
First, you need to calculate the amount of fabric that will be required to sew the product. To do this, you need to know the girth of the hips, the length of the product, the girth of the ankles, the height of the seat.
Step 2
The length of the product is measured from the waist to the floor. In addition, you need to add another 10 centimeters so that the trousers are then beautifully collected at the bottom. And another 5 centimeters for the hem of the bottom and the same for the elastic belt. For example, if the length you measured is 100 cm, then together with all the allowances, you get 120 cm.
Step 3
To measure the height of the seat, sit upright on a chair and measure the distance from your waist to the surface of the seat. For example, the seat height is 15 cm.
Step 4
You need to calculate the width of one leg. This is done according to the following formula: multiply the girth of the hips by the coefficient, on which the width will depend. The larger it is, the wider the pants will be. For example, the hip girth is 100 cm, and the coefficient is 0.75. The width of one leg in this case is 75 cm.
Step 5
It turns out that if the width of the fabric is 150 cm, its length should be 120 cm. If the width of the fabric is smaller, then you will have to take two lengths, i.e. 240 cm. You will also have to buy more fabric if the width of one leg is more than 75 cm.
Step 6
Now you need to transfer the calculations to the fabric. You don't have to make special patterns. Take the fabric and fold it in half, and then fold it in half again. There should be two folds on one side. To prevent the fabric from moving, secure it with needles or pins. On the side where the folds are, from the top edge of the fabric, measure down the height of the seat. For example, if the seat height is 15 cm, add another 5 cm to the elastic for the waistband, i.e. you need to set aside 20 cm in length, and measure 10 cm in width. Round off the intersection of these two lines and cut out. Here then there will be step seams.
Step 7
Unfold the fabric and cut exactly in the middle. It turned out two legs that need to be processed. Fold the legs right side to each other, sweep, and then grind the crotch seams.
Step 8
Now you need to process the side seams. You can flash them completely. And you can make cuts. To make one large cut, overcast the edges of the legs. Sew 5-10 cm from the top and bottom. Then sew the edges of the fabric with a hem along the entire length of the side cut. To make two cuts, sew another 1 to 2 cm cuts in the knee area.
Step 9
Now you need to process the belt. Seam the fabric with a hem. Fold in the fabric 1 to 2 cm and sew along the entire circumference of the waist, leaving a small hole for the elastic. Insert it.
Step 10
Treat the bottom of the legs in the same way. Insert and secure the elastic. The harem pants are ready.