Goddess - one word already creates thousands of images and silhouettes in the head. This is how your drawing should be filled with an atmosphere of unearthly beauty and sacred majesty. The goddess can have any character, almost any appearance and command a variety of things. But she is still feminine, smart and awe-inspiring. The artist's task is to convey these three main ideas.

Step 1
Determine the type of your goddess. Depending on what she is the patroness of, her appearance and features of the drawing will also depend. For example, the sun goddess and the moon goddess will have irreconcilable differences in their appearance.
Step 2
Pay attention to the little things. Be specific, as in the past, the Greek and Indian goddess of war will also have a number of strong differences in appearance, dress, and even character.
Step 3
Start with a shape. There is nothing complicated here, because any goddess is, first of all, a woman. Female beauty, and the figure as a whole, is already divine in itself, and if you know how to draw it, then consider that 80% of the work is done.
Step 4
Pick up accessories. Here, too, everything is quite simple. If you are targeting Greek goddesses, draw a simple white cape without unnecessary patterns and inserts. Greek deities were not very diverse in clothing, so you should not come up with something superfluous.
Step 5
In all other cases, use your creative perception. If this is a forest goddess, nothing will decorate her body better than the leaves and twigs of a young tree. The lady of the fire will be like a phoenix-bird dressed in bright tongues of flame. The warrior will always carry a weapon with which she punishes her enemies.
Step 6
Try to keep it enthusiastic. This is another important rule when depicting goddesses. No matter how fierce she is, no matter how evil she commanded, particles of the sacred should be preserved in the drawing, evoking enthusiastic feelings and emotions in people.
Step 7
Convey this through the beauty of the face, the ease of walking, the reduction of surrounding objects. Check out the ancient depictions of the gods for inspiration. You will immediately distinguish between drawings, in which a woman is drawn, and in which a goddess is drawn. Try to make your goddess also have these distinctive qualities.