Fishing with a line is certainly exciting, but if you need a lot of fish, then you can't do without nets. So, you have decided to install the networks. You have, of course, already acquired a special license, since without it the angler not only risks losing his catch and tackle, but also paying a decent fine.

Step 1
Now let's choose a place to install them. Explore the body of water where you plan to fish: depth, relief, clutter, etc. If you have chosen a location with an inconspicuous and shallow bottom, then you can place the net near the shore, simply by wearing a rubber suit. This method, under certain conditions, gives a good catch.
Step 2
But it is better to put the nets from the boat. Of course, it is more convenient to put the nets together, so that one is on the oars, and the other is putting the net. The best place would be a reservoir with reed thickets, it is good if there is a rocky cape.
Step 3
Place the nets from about two meters deep. Fish that walk along the shore will be caught in the net. Also, a good result is provided by the setting of nets at the depths. In such places, walleye and perch can get caught in your nets.
Step 4
Let's talk about the networks themselves. There is a huge selection in stores and you can find anything you want. The nets made from nylon line (monofilament) are considered the most catchy, they are practically invisible in the water, but at the same time they require a lot of attention during installation and during storage.
Step 5
Much less whimsical nets made of nylon fishing line. Nevertheless, any net requires careful handling: after each fishing, the nets must be carefully inspected, if necessary, cleaned and repaired.