Fritsail is a direction in rap, which is based on complete improvisation. And since reading poetry directly from the head is far from everything, it can be called aerobatics. However, despite the fact that the method is improvisational, reading freestyle can be easily learned. To do this, you need to remember a few important rules.

Step 1
When reading freestyle, always start simple. Do not try to rhyme all phrases at once. Just start speaking in a recitative. In the process of speaking, speech acquires dimension, which means that simple rhyming appears. The main thing is not to stop and keep talking. Pay no attention to what you say. Indeed, at this stage, it is not the meaning that is important, but the time. Read as long as possible. And do not dwell on mistakes - a lot of them can appear at the time of reading a freestyle. Freestylers often speak obscenely, but this also has a right to life.
Step 2
Once you get into a rhythm, start thinking about your rhymes. But do this without interrupting your recitative. In order to be able to speak at the same time and to think about the complexity of your speech in advance, you need a wealth of experience in public speaking. Plus, it is advisable to be able to write poetry in order to have an idea of rhyme.
Step 3
The easiest way is to read freestyle about the things around. Take a good look around. Surely several associations will immediately arise in my head. So work with them. And remember that you cannot stop reading. The recitative on the topic of the current events in your country or the world also applies to this point. Anything can be the subject of freestyle. In addition, everything that happens and around you can be easily conveyed using metaphors.
Step 4
If you are performing in a circle (when several participants compete in their skill), then this is much more interesting. Firstly, there is room for creativity - you never know whose improvisation you will need to add your own. Secondly, it helps to create a collective original creative product that is 100% unique in its uniqueness. When reading freestyle in a group, follow your rules as well. Plan all of your improvisation ahead of time while the other participant is performing. To do this, try to grasp the essence of what he is reading about (so as not to get too far out of the context of the general direction) and start building a small plan of your solo performance in your head. This will help you avoid losing your face in front of other participants.
Step 5
And, of course, constant practice at home will only help you. Practice your skills wherever you can. And then no one will read freestyle better than you.