If you have the desire to become a singer, you can easily learn to sing on your own. Regular training, hard work, training of voice and hearing - and you will discover in yourself if not an opera singer, but a creative and melodic person. It is well known that, having learned to sing, you can demonstrate yourself to others from a new, interesting side.

Step 1
You should start simple. Practice your ear for music whenever and wherever possible. In your free time, try to sing in unison with any musical instrument you feel comfortable with. Start by using one of the classic instruments that produce lingering monotonous sounds. For example, press a piano or synth key to sing a long C or G note. As soon as you hear that you can sing this note evenly and continuously without the participation of a musical instrument, practice the next note. Have you started to manage smooth and lingering monotonous sounds? Then move on to the next step.

Step 2
Once you are in tune with the sounds of any musical instrument, you should start paying attention to your breathing. All professional singers are able to regulate the flow of sound on exhalation and breathe through the diaphragm. That is why they manage to sing long phrases on one exhale without interrupting the sound. Learn to breathe correctly. Take a deep breath, try to work not with the upper part of the chest, but with the diaphragm (closer to the stomach), as if pushing the ribs over the stomach from the inside as you inhale. The inhalation should be done deeply, and the exhalation should be long and slow. Breathe out through your mouth, releasing a stream of air slowly through the lips folded into a thin tube. Take a deep breath again - a slow, long exhale. Having mastered such breathing with a diaphragm, you will be able to sing a long, even note, while your voice will not tremble and you will not need to draw air to complete the musical phrase.

Step 3
Use a variety of voice modulation exercises to develop your vocal cords. The simplest exercise: sing the vowel sounds repeatedly every day to increase the notes, change the tone. So, stand up straight with your shoulders squared and your chin slightly raised in front of a mirror. Inhale and chant each sound until you exhale completely: "Iiiii". Inhale again and chant "Aaaaa." Then: "Eeeeee", "Oooooo", "Uuuuuu". Sing slowly one after the other all the sounds in different tones three times. To help your vocal cords become stronger, practice singing and consonants. The ligaments can be activated by prolonged chanting of the sound "mmmmmm" with a closed mouth. Do this exercise three times as well. Sing it softly the first time, a little louder the second time, and the third time at your maximum capacity. The vocal cords will tighten and the diaphragm will vibrate violently. This will train even the weakest vocal cords. At the end of the exercise, your bronchi will become larger, you will breathe more freely, and you will have enough energy to sing several songs in a row at once.

Step 4
Exercises for the development of a deep voice are borrowed by modern vocalists, including those from Indian yogis. Stand up straight, take a breath, draw air into your stomach, exhale with force and very loudly "Xhha-ah". It should be very loud, with pressure, even rude. You can move your body forward a little. Do the exercise 5-8 times. Train with this method for at least 5-6 weeks. You will notice how the timbre of your voice has improved, becoming thicker and more charismatic. Your ligaments and diaphragm are stronger and more resilient.

Step 5
Diction work involves doing articulation exercises. You should learn to pronounce all sounds clearly and distinctly. You should not only pronounce every sound, but also be able to open your mouth freely and even show your upper teeth while singing. With a weakly opened mouth, the song flows through the teeth. For clarity of diction, it is useful to learn difficult to pronounce tongue twisters. Start training at a slow pace, pronounce all the words. Speed up, but not to the detriment of the clarity of the tongue twisters. The phrases should be pronounced in one breath, but smoothly and intonationally consistently. Having worked out diction on 20-30 tongue twisters, consolidate the achieved result by reading poetic texts. Work with your lips, jaw, open your mouth wide. Do not increase the pressure on individual vowels or consonants.

Step 6
Go to workouts on simple tunes. You don't have to sing them with words. Sing the whole scale in the form of sounds: "La-la-la-la …". Or in the form of notes: “Do. Re. Mi. F. Salt. La. Si ". Complicate the task. Sing the chorus of a simple pop song to the music, record yourself on a dictaphone. Sing without music, start recording again, and match with the original. Practice until the recordings are similar in pronunciation, melody, tonality and clarity of voice of your own recording, made with music.

Step 7
Choose a song to learn to sing on. For a start, a Russian folk song is suitable - a lingering, lyrical, with a wide cantilena. You should like the song. Read your song lyrics several times with expression, clearly articulating each consonant sound. Practice the song of your choice. If you own a musical instrument, then find the sheet music and learn the song from them. If you don't, you will have to learn from your voice. Turn on the disc and sing along. Then turn off the music and sing without it. Record yourself on a dictaphone and compare with the recording. It turned out similar - good. If it didn't work out, keep training.

Step 8
Think about what your song is about. Try to imagine what feelings the hero of the song experiences when he utters this or that phrase, in what circumstances he is, who he is, what he looks like, to whom he sings all this. Imagine yourself as the hero of this song. For a song to sound good and to please the listener, you must sing it in the first person and put your own feelings into it.