How Easy Is It To Learn To Play The Piano On Your Own?

How Easy Is It To Learn To Play The Piano On Your Own?
How Easy Is It To Learn To Play The Piano On Your Own?

The piano is one of the most beautiful musical instruments and many people dream of learning to play it. It is quite possible to learn to play the piano on your own, it would be a desire and a little patience.

How easy is it to learn to play the piano on your own?
How easy is it to learn to play the piano on your own?

In order to master the piano, you need three main things: the instrument itself, a piano tutorial, and a musical notation textbook.

The most ideal option is a digital piano. It takes up less space than the usual one and you can adjust the volume on it, or you can, in general, play with headphones and no one will hear your rehearsals until you are ready to "give concerts".

If you have a regular piano, you should definitely tune it. You cannot do this on your own, because you need special tools. Therefore, you will have to invite a specialist.

Using the self-instruction manual, you will be able to understand how to sit correctly, keep your posture, how to place your hands on the keyboard, as well as the basics of piano playing technique.

Notation will help you learn how to "read notes", that is, determine how a melody is written on the staff.

Pay attention to hand technique, play scales according to the tutorial.

For self-study at home, it is better to take specific tunes and master them gradually. For example, set aside 20 minutes each day on your schedule to play the piano. For such a short rehearsal time, you will not have time to get tired, which means that there will be no negative emotions. But, the main thing here is consistency. Do not miss, do it every day, and success will not keep you waiting.

Watch your posture and hand position during exercise. The back should be straight, the elbow should be bent at a right angle, the hands should be relaxed.

The most important thing is to enjoy the process.
