To create a complete rap song, you need your own original lyrics and music (beats). Music in rap is not always original; it often uses samples from other compositions. But this, of course, does not mean that you need to blindly copy everything from experienced musicians.
In addition, a clear and artistic performance is an integral part of a successful rap composition.

It is necessary
Microphone, computer, software audio sequencer
Step 1
Before you start writing your lyrics, you should take care of learning the basics. Read materials about hip-hop culture, familiarize yourself with its history and ideology. Listen to the recordings and read the texts of those who stood at the origins.
Step 2
Read as much poetry and literature in general as possible. Don't think that you can write good text with a minimal set of words. A good rap text is always original, there are no banal rhymes and hackneyed phrases in it. Therefore, develop your vocabulary with good books. And reading classical poetry over time will develop in you the ability to easily find rhymes to your lines.
Step 3
Learn the basics of versification. Any reference book on literature, or, in extreme cases, a school textbook will help you with this. Perhaps you do not need to be able to distinguish iambic from chorea on the fly, but it is worth knowing what it is all about. It is also important to master the different ways of rhyming, this is very important in rap.
Step 4
Start creating your text when you feel the need to say something. Remember, in any kind of art, a super task is important - that for the sake of which you, in fact, create your work. Determine what you want to communicate to whom and why. Formulate the main messages of your message in the form of short theses on paper. There, add the most interesting images that are born in your head in connection with the chosen topic.
Step 5
Start rhyming. From anywhere. Try to keep the process flowing naturally. At the same time, avoid obvious rhymes, banal expressions. But do not overload the text with abstruse phrases. Everything should be in moderation.
Do not forget also that the rhythm in the rap text repels from the intonation, respectively, the lengths of the lines can be different, the sequential rhyme can be replaced by the cross, etc.
At this point, it is helpful to start creating beats. At least simple at first, just to give you a sense of the inner order of the composition.
Step 6
Use software audio sequencers to create the beat. It is best to create your own beat, but it is also possible to use looped beat samples at first, of which you can find plenty of them on the Internet.
Step 7
When your composition has acquired a form close to finished, think of how you can give it originality. Perhaps, in the process, a beautiful melodic chorus was born? Or did the beat inspire you to compose a rocking bass track? However, you shouldn't forget about bass anyway.
Step 8
Spice up your track with noise and melodic samples. But don't overdo it with noise. Try to compose your own melodic line that will sound in the background of your text. Use someone else's samples only if you cannot create something of your own, or if this is due to the intention of the composition.
Step 9
Work on your diction. If you have problems with pronunciation, visit a speech therapist. Sign up for acting classes if you have the opportunity. Stage Speaking lessons will teach you the correct and powerful presentation when performing.