The bright spring sun cheers up not only mischievous boys and cheerful laughter girls, but also serious adult uncles and aunts. So sometimes I want to portray such a playful sun on paper. So what's the problem? After all, drawing the sun is not difficult at all. You just need to mentally imagine his image and transfer it with the help of colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints onto a blank sheet of paper. Different people see the sun in different ways, so each person draws it differently.

Step 1
The easiest way to draw the sun is to draw a yellow circle on paper with straight lines (rays) extending from it in different directions.

Step 2
The sun can be drawn in the following way. First, draw a yellow circle on the paper. Then, around it, draw triangular rays of different shapes and different sizes using rounded lines.

Step 3
Some people draw the sun in the form of a yellow circle, with trapezium rays sticking out of it.

Step 4
The sun looks very funny and cute, the rays of which have a drop-like shape. Instead of a pair of rays, left and right, you can draw handles for the sun, and a funny face on the yellow circle itself.

Step 5
Drawing the sun in the form of a star with long, sharp rays sticking out in different directions is a very interesting solution.

Step 6
The sun can also be drawn with even, identical rays in the form of triangles with rounded sides.

Step 7
The sun looks very unusual, the rays of which are braided into thin neat braids with bright bows at the ends.

Step 8
The sun with numerous rays of different sizes, similar to flower petals, is very much like a sunflower. By the way, the word “sunflower” is translated as “sun flower”, “sun flower”.

Step 9
The sun with rays in the form of curved arrows looks rather peculiar.

Step 10
The sun with long triangular rays, rounded at the base, with a funny face with freckles and handles is the original idea of a real dreamer.