How To Develop Clairvoyance

How To Develop Clairvoyance
How To Develop Clairvoyance

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The ability to develop clairvoyance is in every person, for we are part of the Universe, part of nature, part of this world. There are people to whom this ability is given from birth, someone gets the ability to see more after some significant events in their lives. But there are also those who, by their desire and diligence, managed to independently become a clairvoyant and gain access to higher knowledge.

Release from the pressure of thoughts and the physical body is the first step to clairvoyance
Release from the pressure of thoughts and the physical body is the first step to clairvoyance


Step 1

The first step on the path to clairvoyance is to develop your astral body, to open the so-called Third Eye.

To do this, you need to learn how to temporarily turn off your physical abilities, to free yourself from physical feelings.

This is necessary in order for your body, consciousness to start using another, astral energy.

Step 2

Learn to relax. You need to be able to free your consciousness from thoughts about vital and everyday things, about the objects that surround you. There are many different techniques for this. For example, start meditating, doing yoga. Dedicate a significant amount of time to these activities, and after 6-8 weeks you will see results that will at least surprise you.

Step 3

Cleanse, "pacify" your body. Work with the tuning of astral energy should take place not only in the sphere of consciousness, but also in your body. Eat foods that do not require multiple expenditure of energy for assimilation and do not clog energy channels. If possible, give up meat and fatty and heavy foods.

Step 4

Learn to concentrate on one subject. Hold your gaze daily on one of the objects for up to 10 minutes. Look at him until the physical world around him ceases to disappear like a haze. You must learn to merge with this object, see it “from the inside”. Watch until you succeed.

Thus, you open and train your astral vision, the very Third Eye, in which you can see things not only with your eyes open, but also with your eyes closed. Closed eyes help not to be distracted by the surrounding physical world.

Step 5

The next step will be to develop the ability to see at a distance. To do this, you need to create a so-called “astral tube” in your thoughts and look through the distance through it, reaching directly to the object. For example, while sitting at home, imagine a computer monitor on your desktop in the office. And now, with the help of mental representations, go from the point of your location to the monitor, imagine all the way through the "pipe".

Step 6

It may take you up to several years to develop the gift of clairvoyance. After hard training, you should notice the aura of objects, colorful circles around the bodies. Your helpers in the future will be feelings, intuition, follow them, study what you see and feel. The further you open up your clairvoyant abilities, the more individual your path will be. You will learn to understand the world around you from the inside and gain knowledge that is available only to a select few.
