How To Develop The Ability To Clairvoyance

How To Develop The Ability To Clairvoyance
How To Develop The Ability To Clairvoyance

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For most people, paranormal abilities are something extremely attractive, but inaccessible to the common person. However, anyone can develop these abilities with the proper effort and intention. Surely you from time to time dream of predicting future events in advance and based on confidence greater than simple intuition. This is possible if you develop the ability to clairvoyantly.

How to develop the ability to clairvoyance
How to develop the ability to clairvoyance


Step 1

For training, choose a place where no one will bother you, and make sure that nothing distracts you - turn off your phones, turn off the lights, turn on a dim night light. Close your eyes and, without opening them, look up as high as possible, and then lower your eyes down.

Step 2

Repeat this exercise 15-20 times, trying to peer up and then down without any extra effort. Then repeat the exercise the same number of times to the left and right without opening your eyes. Then start rolling your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise, then look straight ahead, look inside your own head, and finally look back.

Step 3

By doing these exercises with your eyes closed in the morning, you will gradually learn to feel your own body and feel the surrounding space with your eyes. Do the exercises regularly - only then will your intuition become thinner and thinner each time.

Step 4

You can train your clairvoyant abilities from a photograph of a familiar person. Place a photograph in front of you and study it carefully. Don't strain yourself while studying photography - just take a close look at all of its elements. Try to remember the appearance of the person in the photo.

Step 5

Then close your eyes and ask any question about the person in the photo, then try to answer it yourself. By doing this exercise for ten days, half an hour a day, you will learn to predict events - after a week, meet with the person in the photo and ask what happened to him during this period of time. Perhaps the events of his life will coincide with your guesses and answers.

Step 6

To learn to see something hidden from your vision, try looking at the wall while sitting in a chair. The wall should be at arm's length from your eyes. Concentrate on any point on which your gaze falls, and, without blinking, gaze at this point for twenty minutes.

Step 7

Then look at the wall with your eyes out of focus, also for twenty minutes. Try to see the same point behind the wall so that you can see right through the wall. Do the exercise daily.
