The use of phraseological units is a wonderful technique that enriches speech and demonstrates to the interlocutors, addressees of a letter or speech, love for the language, the ability to use its different facets. The curious properties of this figure of speech make it possible to turn its study into a fun joke. It is enough to try to illustrate the phraseological units verbatim.

Step 1
The main feature of a phraseological unit is stability. Not a single word can be changed in it. Therefore, they cannot be translated into a foreign language - a literal transmission will deprive the expression of meaning. This is because the general meaning of a phraseological unit does not consist of the meanings of the words that make it up.
Step 2
For this reason, it is easiest to give the concept of phraseological units to children or foreigners on the basis of contradiction. If you literally draw what the parts of the phraseological unit mean, you get a funny caricature. This technique is usually used by compilers of Russian language textbooks and teachers.
Step 3
In fact, the Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder used such a reversal of meaning from the figurative to the direct. In the 16th century, this portrayal of sayings was an innovative technique.
Step 4
To draw a phraseological unit, you need to present its literal meaning. Sometimes it's easy. For example, they say about cute and touching old women: "God's dandelion." This phrase expresses the utmost degree of harmlessness and kindness. So the illustration "from the opposite" will be the image of a bearded, burly man with a halo around his head, holding a fluffy yellow flower in his hands.
Step 5
In some cases, it is more difficult to analyze phraseological units; you will have to look into dictionaries and reference books. For example, the expression "sleep without hind legs" is incomprehensible to an adult city dweller, not to mention children. The peasant, however, can easily interpret this phrase, because he has seen more than once how a horse sleeps after hard work. The animal is so deeply immersed in a state of rest that the hind legs are completely relaxed. If you wake her up, she will not be able to jump on all four legs: the hind legs will be lethargic and buckling for some time. So to illustrate this stable expression, you can sketch a sleeping horse from somewhere, but depict the back of the body separately from it.