Is There A Conspiracy To Get Hired

Is There A Conspiracy To Get Hired
Is There A Conspiracy To Get Hired

To achieve what they want, people sometimes resort to all imaginable and inconceivable ways. For example, in order to get a good job, many try to use some kind of conspiracy or ritual.

Is there a conspiracy to get hired
Is there a conspiracy to get hired

You can spend a lot of time and effort looking for a good job. But there may be such a situation that at last there was a job that completely suits you. The problem is that the bosses cannot make a choice among the applicants.

If you let the situation take its course, there is very little chance of solving it in your favor. But one should not fall into panic while awaiting the verdict of the authorities. You can always increase your own chances of success.

Are there any conspiracies in order to get a job

There are many helpful tips on how to behave during an interview, what to wear and speak, and how to make a good impression on a potential employer. Sometimes, job seekers may even try to influence the situation with conspiracies and rituals.

Not everyone believes in the power of such an effect, but in the hope of good luck they try it anyway.

Conspiracy for those who wish to get a job:

I don't go on foot, I don't hurry quietly, On a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

So that there is no refusal to me, the servant of God (name), Neither Monday nor Tuesday

Neither Wednesday nor Thursday

Neither Friday nor Saturday.

Take yourself, damn, my care, So that no one knows the words against me, No evil, no

They didn't move their tongue against me, Respected and loved.

A cross with a cross, but the matter is with a good end. Amen.

To get hired, you can use a good conspiracy for fresh bread. Cut off a piece of bread before leaving the house, you have to whisper the following words to it three times: “As bread is always the head of the table, as everyone reveres it, so I, the servant of God, would be accepted everywhere and respected, but I would be given a better job. In order not to know my refusal, but only to accept human honor and respect with joy. Amen . The conspiracy piece must be eaten, after which you can safely go about your business - luck will certainly smile at you.

Conspiracies in order to influence the decision of the authorities

Sometimes everything seems to be going well with a job, but the boss still does not approve of your candidacy. To speed up the decision, you can read the conspiracy for a glass of water: “As everyone needs water, so I would be needed at work (needed). As water is valuable for people, so at work I would be appreciated. As there is no life without water, so without me at that work there would be no happiness, no life, no joy, everything will only appear with me. Amen . Read three times, then drink water in one gulp.

For the upcoming conversation with the authorities, so that the hiring decision is in your favor, you can read such a conspiracy. Enter the room with your left foot, while at the hand the thumb should be clenched into a fist, pronounce the conspiracy mentally:

“My angel, my guardian, guard and preserve my soul from enemies, from obvious and implicit adversaries. Turn me away from me in all four directions: north, west, south, east. Amen.
