How To Draw A Werewolf

How To Draw A Werewolf
How To Draw A Werewolf

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Werewolves, werewolves, wolves and other evil spirits have become popular heroes of fiction books and films. Comic and illustration artists are also actively developing the Gothic theme in their work. If you are interested in creating dark characters, draw a werewolf against the backdrop of an ominous full moon.

How to draw a werewolf
How to draw a werewolf

It is necessary

  • - pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - markers or colored pencils.


Step 1

First draw a circle that will form the head and face of the werewolf in the future. Sketch the body of the monster, at an early stage you do not need to immediately detail the drawing, you just need to see the location of all the elements of the image.

Step 2

In the circle of the head at the bottom, draw an oval, which will then form the jaw. Don't make the face too long, your character is not a real wolf, but a werewolf, so human features must be present too.

Step 3

Draw ears, they can be human or wolf. Draw the eyes, the pupil can be round or vertical. Try to give your gaze a menacing expression. Now you can depict the nose, which goes into the wolf's jaw. Don't forget to draw long and sharp fangs. Mark the fur on the werewolf.

Step 4

Do not make the body only wolf or human, the transformation stage of your character should be smooth. The body can be fully or partially covered with hair. Draw a bushy tail and sharp long claws. You can make your character look more threatening by scratching the body.

Step 5

Detail the image of a werewolf, fix all the shortcomings. Erase unnecessary sketch lines. The monster may have some kind of weapon in his hands: a simple knife, an ax, a piece of a board, and much more. Do not forget about the background, it is also important. Try to depict sunrise or sunset, werewolves transform at this time. The time of day should be in harmony with the transformation stage of your character.

Step 6

Werewolf clothing is usually painted torn to give it a more sinister and gloomy appearance. In addition to clothing, a character may have other jewelry: bracelets, chains, collar, pendant. Draw tangled leaves or small branches on the wool.

Step 7

When your drawing is ready, color it in. Do not use too many bright and cheerful colors, werewolves themselves are gloomy creatures. Choose more dark shades that will create the desired atmosphere. To make the image more realistic and "lively", outline highlights and shadows.
