On New Year's holidays, decorating the house with shining decorations and a lush Christmas tree, there is often a desire to capture all this beauty in photographs. The most important thing for this kind of photography is family people and the mood corresponding to the holiday.

New Year's attributes that will help convey the holiday atmosphere are a Christmas tree decorated with toys and a garland, LED strips, warm colors in clothes and surrounding furniture and decor. But it's not just the setting and the appropriate appearance of the models that will determine whether a photo is successful. Having the right lighting and the necessary equipment, as well as the camera settings suitable for them, will help to create, if not a masterpiece of photographic art, but a completely successful shot.
First you need to choose a suitable aperture value. Presumably, the participants in the photo session will move to a minimum, then the shutter speed can be set to 1/125 or 1/250 s. Choose a slower shutter speed for photographing children and animals. Indicate the aperture values according to the selected shutter speed, it can have values from 4 to 8. ISO sensitivity is determined based on the specified shutter speed and aperture parameters and can range from 400 to 800.
Having chosen the appropriate settings, you can try to take a frame, if you notice noise in the frame, then you need to try to reduce the ISO to 100. In this case, the camera will need to be fixed, if possible, set on a tripod to avoid the wiggle effect. It is better to stop the choice of the camera focusing method on manual (mechanical) and select objects in the frame yourself, slowly turning the ring on the lens. In this case, the aperture and shutter speed will increase. An alternative to increasing the sensitivity can only be a good flash.
The choice of these settings will depend on the power and number of lighting fixtures that are present in the room, as well as the location of the photographer in relation to the subjects.
An important point here is also the correct white balance and flash setting. The best option would be to opt for an external flash, which can be purchased separately and installed in the camera's hot shoe.