How To Grow Salad On A Windowsill Or Balcony

How To Grow Salad On A Windowsill Or Balcony
How To Grow Salad On A Windowsill Or Balcony

Do you want to save a lot on vegetables and herbs? Have a couple of pots of edible herbs on your windowsill, including a salad!

How to grow salad on a windowsill or balcony
How to grow salad on a windowsill or balcony

How to grow dill on the windowsill, I wrote a little earlier. Now let's talk about salad.

These tasty and healthy greens can be grown very easily at home from seeds. Doubt in your abilities? Then remember that in the store lettuce is quite expensive, but at home you can very easily grow it for the price of a package of seeds!

So, to grow a salad on a windowsill, you just need to purchase seeds and free a couple of pots from dried flowers. You can also use cut plastic bottles for juices or lemonade, wooden or plastic boxes for growing flowers on the balcony, on the bottom of which you need to put a small amount of drainage (this can be expanded clay, fine gravel, broken brick).

Lettuce should be sown in moist soil with little or no burial. To grow lettuce, it is very important to water this plant well, it is also very demanding on lighting (if the windows face north or are heavily shaded, use a fluorescent lamp). After sowing, water your garden and cover with foil. Keep it under the film until the first shoots. Then just water, spray and feed the salad. Remember that the roots of the lettuce are quite shallow, which is why it is worth spraying the plant so that watering is sufficient for it.

Lettuce is a fairly cold-resistant culture, so it can be grown on an insulated loggia in winter.

After the leaves have grown, the first crop can be removed. Cut them off carefully, continue to water the salad and fertilize (with nitrogen fertilizers). In this case, the leaves will continue to grow and you will get a fairly large harvest even from a very small home garden.
