How To Learn A City

How To Learn A City
How To Learn A City

Table of contents:


Have you decided to become a taxi driver and want to transport your passengers quickly and without unnecessary hassle? Or are you waiting for guests and would like to show them your city in a way that no one has ever seen? It is possible, but it is necessary to carefully prepare for working in a taxi and for an excursion for visitors.

Walk down a new street every day
Walk down a new street every day

It is necessary

  • City map
  • Sightseeing books
  • Camera
  • Car or any public transport


Step 1

Buy a card first. The location of the main streets is also on the old map, but the situation in any modern city is constantly changing, so much of what is drawn on the old map may not actually appear. You can print your city from Google maps, then the map will definitely be new.

Step 2

Try to get someone who knows how to drive a car interested in your new hobby. Even if you are driving yourself, in this case you may need an assistant. Invite your friend to take a car trip around the city. First, choose the longest street. Ask a friend to drive not very fast, while you check what you see with the icons on the map. At the same time, note what has changed in your city lately.

Step 3

If you don't have a friend with a car to help you, take a public transport route. It is desirable that it be more authentic. Mark it in advance on the map and go to the final stop. While the bus is driving, you mark everything that you see, at least mentally. Take a different route next time. If the city is small, you will pass it quickly enough.

Step 4

But buses and trolleybuses don't run everywhere. You will have to explore many areas on foot. It is better in this case to have a card with you. For example, mark on it the area where you are going today. It shouldn't be a very large area so that it can be properly explored in one go. Look on the map for the names of streets and lanes. Choose the point from where you will start your journey. Walk down the largest street, paying attention to the house numbers and the names of the lanes. Take a walk along the alleys, look into the courtyards. Compare what you see with the map, which may not be all marked.

Step 5

Select a different area next time. Try to travel a little every day - for example, when you get home from work. It is not necessary to explore large areas. You can just choose a yard or two. On such walks, it is useful to take a camera with you and take pictures of what you paid attention to. In the evening or the next day, look at the photographs and try to remember what is depicted on them and where exactly it is.

Step 6

You can offer friends to arrange a game-competition, something like "find where it is." Offer them a photograph and ask them to remember where they saw the object. To begin with, choose simpler objects, over time, complicate the task. If some historical events took place in your city or there are places related to literature, you can organize a quest by coming up with encrypted tasks. Look for information in local history books or ask an old-timer. You will not even notice how your friends will also get carried away with local history and begin to study the city with you.
