If you are an individual private entrepreneur or a representative of a legal entity, then you can benefit from shopping at the METRO Cash & Carry shopping center. METRO Cash & Carry is a wholesale company that works under contracts with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Client cards for individuals are not issued.

It is necessary
documents for confirming entrepreneurial activity - copies of: a certificate of making an entry in the USR of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), a certificate of the Federal Tax Service on tax registration and assignment of a TIN, an individual entrepreneur passport (page with a photo, full name and registration address); power of attorney (original) of the established form for persons who have the right to conclude transactions on behalf of the sole proprietor, signed by the sole proprietor
Step 1
Take and read the terms of purchases at METRO Cash & Carry. Reassure them with the company if you are a representative of a legal entity. METRO sells goods to customers (METRO cardholders) or customer representatives, in their own wholesale malls only for subsequent resale in retail or for professional use.
Step 2
Gather a list of documents that are required to receive a METRO Cash & Carry customer card. It can be used by:
individual entrepreneurs;
legal entities;
representative offices of foreign companies;
representative offices (branches, divisions) of Russian companies;
Step 3
Come to the nearest METRO shopping center. free of charge, and immediately gives you the opportunity to shop in the mall. It is possible to issue additional METRO client cards, but this happens only in the METRO shopping center where the company was registered. It is allowed to issue no more than five customer cards per organization. If the company re-registers, then all previously issued cards must be provided.