Phone stickers are very easy to make with your own hands. A big plus of this work is that you can arrange any drawing, ornament, logo, etc. you like in the form of a sticker, making your phone exclusive.

It is necessary
Magazines or printouts of pictures, double-sided self-adhesive paper, scissors
Step 1
Stickers on the phone are designed not only to decorate it, but also to protect it from dust, dirt and minor mechanical damage. There are many different stickers on sale, and you can become the owner of an exclusive one, since making stickers on your phone with your own hands is quite simple. This method of making a phone sticker is the easiest and fastest. So, you can make small stickers just to decorate the body of your smartphone.
Take a magazine with the desired picture or print any drawing you like on plain paper. Cut it out carefully.
Step 2
You will also need to cut a piece of double-sided self-adhesive paper. In shape, it must completely repeat the contour of the selected drawing. To make it easier, you can simply cut out a piece of self-adhesive paper the same size as the picture, glue it to it and carefully cut out small parts with thin sharp scissors.
Step 3
The sticker is ready. Now, having degreased the surface of the phone, you can remove the protective layer of the self-adhesive paper and glue it to the phone. The advantage of this method of making a sticker on the phone is that it is done quickly and from scrap materials. Minus - the selected picture is quickly erased and easily deteriorates when moisture gets in.
Step 4
A hand-made phone sticker can be more resistant to mechanical stress. To make this version of the sticker, you will need: matte self-adhesive paper, spray varnish, a laser printer. On the computer, select the picture you need, print it on a sheet of self-adhesive paper. Don't forget to consider the size of your phone.
Step 5
A hand-made phone sticker can be more resistant to mechanical stress. To make this version of the sticker, you will need: matte self-adhesive paper, spray varnish, a laser printer. On the computer, select the picture you need, print it on a sheet of self-adhesive paper. Don't forget to consider the dimensions of your phone.
Step 6
After the last coat of polish has dried, cut the sticker along the outline and you can stick it to the phone case. Thus, you can create not just small stickers, but stickers that completely cover the body of the phone. To make such a sticker, you will need to first create a template of the phone case with real dimensions in a photo editor. Fill in the template with any ornament, print it and start processing the surface of the sticker.