It often happens that a person automatically puts a thing down without realizing it, but the brain is able to control and remember everything, and if you try, relax and get distracted from otherworldly affairs, you will probably be able to remember on your own where you put this or that thing. After all, only when you give up on the search for the desired item and go about your business, it will appear in plain sight by itself, or you will remember where you put it. But what if you can't remember?

Step 1
So, in order to find a lost thing in your home, apartment or office, first think about whether the thing was lost exactly here. If you are sure of this, for a faster search, you can use a small magic spell aimed at finding lost items.
Step 2
Take a large piece of cardboard or blank paper. Prepare a pen or pencil and a small piece of amber. Draw a large circle on paper on a full moon night.
Step 3
Place this drawing next to the place where you think that the last time you saw the missing thing. Take the prepared amber and place it in the center of your circle.
Step 4
Turn the stone clockwise very slowly, saying the following words: "Spirit of amber, show me the way, help me return the lost object." In the direction where the amber heats up the most and gives off heat to the hand, you should start looking for an item.
Step 5
Remember, the stone can heat up at several points, you should check for the missing item in each such direction.
If the stone behaves as usual, and you do not feel warmth in your hand, the thing is most likely lost outside the home.
Step 6
There is a popular belief that if you throw up a similar lost thing with the words "Look for your brother and sister, and your friend in the land", then it will fall next to the place where the sought-after was lost.
Step 7
Believers, having lost something, read the prayer "I believe …" and turn to God with a prayer for help. Only after the prayer has been read can you begin your search.