A musician sleeps in every third person. Perhaps he will never open up, and it will be offensive. Take the first step towards your musical future - learn musical notation. It's not hard. Have you learned thirty-three letters of the alphabet? And there are only seven notes.

It is necessary
- 1. music book;
- 2. piano or synthesizer;
- 3. a simple pencil.
Step 1
Sit down at the piano and study the keyboard carefully. Notice that there are regularly repeating segments among the many keys. Each such segment is called an octave. Simply put, the octave is the seven notes you will be learning.
Step 2
Press the first white key from the bottom of any octave. This is the C note. It is followed by "re", then "mi", then "fa", "sol", "la", "si". Please note that after the note "B" the octave is interrupted, and then a new octave follows. That is, further again "before", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la", "si" and so on. Play all the notes and name them to remember.
Step 3
Go back to the C note you started with. Between it and the note "D" there is a black key. This is the note "C sharp" or "D flat". The names differ depending on the piece in which the note appears. Between "re" and "mi" is respectively "re-sharp" or "e-flat". There are still three black keys left in the octave, name them yourself, by analogy with the previous ones.
Step 4
Open a music book and take a pencil. In the notebook you will see a staff, that is, five printed lines. To write the note "C", you need to draw a dash under the lowest ruler, and on it draw the note "C" in the form of a circle. The note "re" is written under the lowest bar of the staff without a dash, "mi" on the bottom ruler, "fa" between the bottom ruler and the next, "salt" on the second from the bottom ruler, and so on. You will see that the note "B" is on the third line. This is followed by "C" again and the rest of the notes in another octave.
Step 5
Learn to write C sharp. This is the C note, preceded by a sharp, similar to the hash on a telephone keypad. The flat sign is the Latin letter "b". Practice drawing these icons in front of the different notes.
Step 6
Write down randomly different notes in your notebook. Now play them on the piano. If you succeed, then you have mastered musical notation. If not yet, keep practicing playing and writing notes. Patience and a little effort.