The word "barbecue" can be translated from French as - meat of a bull, which is fried on an open fire. For such purposes, there are many stoves, dubbed in the West "barbecue". If you are already drooling, be patient. First, try to make your own barbecue from natural materials, and even with little money.

Step 1
During the construction process, you will need about 15 ordinary gas silicate blocks, 150 oven bricks, 6-8 clay buckets, a bag of cement, as well as sand, medium-grained and washed with water. Of the tools, you will need a mason's hammer, an ordinary shovel, a trowel, two containers in the form of a barrel with a capacity of 80-100 liters, two ten-liter buckets, as well as a box for preparing sand-cement mortar in it. The clay solution will be prepared in large barrels.
Step 2
Start choosing a comfortable barbecue spot. There should be a 3x2 m site. It is desirable that this site take a place in the center of the recreation area, next to the house, alpine slide or pond. As a result, the barbecue itself will perfectly decorate the recreation areas. A barbecue roof is also highly desirable. It is worth repeating that there are a lot of ways to build a barbecue, so we will describe one of them.
Step 3
A barbecue erected in this way will stand for many years and will be ready literally in a matter of minutes. Start with a foundation that matches the area of your barbecue. Under the foundation, dig a trench about 30 cm deep, filled with gravel or crushed stone, carefully filled with water, and then well rammed. This will be the so-called "pillow", on top of which you need to lay a metal mesh or several rods of reinforcement, laid in the form of a lattice.
Step 4
Then build a formwork with 10 cm high planks and fill the place with concrete. After two days, you can start building the barbecue itself. To do this, you will need to have a lot of natural stones and bricks. First, lay bricks, and on top decorate with a continuous layer of stones of different shapes. Pre-grind the stones.