Astrology is an interesting science if you treat it with a grain of healthy skepticism and do not take all the information literally. Nevertheless, a lot of benefit can be derived from astrological knowledge, for example, when you need to win a man you like …
How to win an Aries man
- Element - Fire
- Lucky number - 3
- Trait - Aries always keeps their word
- Most successful alliances: with Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius

If Aries is in love with you, you will immediately understand this, however, if it has cooled down, too. In love affairs, he is straight as a sleeper and does not know how to pretend at all. He is attracted by the forbidden fruit, the Aries man likes unapproachable girls, whom he is ready to "storm" at any cost. He has an extremely negative attitude towards scandals, female tantrums, clarification of relationships, although in this regard, he is far from being a gift. If you value independence, love to be the center of attention, flirt with pleasure and have many fans, then your relationship with Aries is most likely doomed - he will not tolerate even a hint of an opponent. Aries is not a sign with which a woman should take the initiative, but remember that there are exceptions to every rule.
How to conquer a Taurus man
- Element - Earth
- Lucky number - 6
- A characteristic feature - it's easier to wait for a gift from him than a compliment
- The most successful unions: with Virgo, Capricorn and Cancer

Taurus is the owner, he surrounds his beloved with touching care. He, like a medieval knight, can swear in eternal love and fidelity, and he sincerely believes in it. There is no more sensual zodiac sign. It is worth considering that for Taurus, the appearance of the chosen one is of great importance. He appreciates comfort and care, he likes tenderness and sensitivity in girls, as well as charm and sexual magnetism. "Daredevils" and boys, most likely, will not be able to interest a Taurus man. Do not try to overthink him - nothing will come of it, and Taurus will only get angry. And no rudeness!
How to win a Gemini man
- Element - Air
- Lucky number - 4
- Trait - Gemini has an opinion on everything
- Suitable for love and relationships: Aquarius, Libra, Aries

He is romantic, temperamental, restless and charming. An affair with Gemini is like a holiday, but only if you do not surrender to the outbreak of feeling in all seriousness. His interest comes during communication. Gemini loves to have intelligent conversations - the more intersection points you have, the better. He hates obsession, stupidity and possessiveness. A Gemini man is unlikely to date a girl with whom he has nothing to talk about, even if she is a written beauty.
How to win a Cancer man
- Element - Water
- Lucky number - 2
- A characteristic feature is a "quiet pool" in which an abyss can be hidden
- Successful unions with Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

The Cancer man is distinguished by a romantic nature and a deep inner world. He is able to completely devote himself to his soul mate, as they say, "dissolve" in another person. No man can feel a woman as subtly as Cancer. He is looking for an ideal, which not everyone is capable of approaching. He expects stability, love and affection, but his passion can suddenly flare up after a violent quarrel with screams and smashing dishes. He should not be tormented and should not be humiliated. Cancer is afraid to be rejected, because deep down it is very vulnerable.
How to conquer a Leo man
- Element - Fire
- Lucky number - 1
- Trait - Leo is not used to obeying
- Successful relationship will develop: with Aries, Sagittarius, Libra

If Leo shows you signs of attention, this does not mean that he is in love, perhaps in a couple of minutes he will begin to shower another girl with compliments. Most often, gallantry is his innate trait. Nevertheless, this man can appreciate. He is one of the few who really understands whether a girl is dressed with taste or not - if you want to attract the attention of Leo, then you should keep that in mind. A man of this sign, as a rule, is confident in himself, and does not even think that there is a woman who can refuse him. He is not one of those who will sit at home on quiet evenings. Very jealous. Leo is greedy for praise, but the compliment should not be trivial. Using flattery, you can "twist ropes" from a Leo man.
How to conquer a Virgo man
- Element - Earth
- Lucky number - 4
- Trait - can criticize anything
- Relationship with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer will be successful

One of the most incomprehensible signs of the zodiac, therefore, it can be completely unpredictable. Range - from cocky macho to timid nerd. If you got the second option, then do not even hope that it will come up first - at the very last moment, Virgo, as a rule, disappears. What he definitely doesn't like is frivolity and inconstancy. The Virgo man is loyal and impeccably honest, and he expects the same from his chosen one. Virgo is afraid of passions, the "femme fatale" will scare him away rather than seduce. It is extremely difficult for him to admit his feelings and even just say compliments. Give the Virgo calmness and warmth and do not require daily assurances of love. Pay attention to what he is doing, not what he says.
How to win a Libra man
- Element - Air
- Lucky number - 6
- A characteristic feature - he believes in his "finest hour"
- Suitable for love and marriage: Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo

This man is not as simple as it might seem. Libra is considered one of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac, they have a charming smile, dimples on their cheeks are not uncommon, you can fall in love with them at first sight. However, the Libra man himself is in no hurry to fall in love, although appearance for him plays an almost decisive role in choosing a life partner. It is typical for him to sympathize with two women at the same time and in the end not choose either one of them. You will definitely not lose anything if you take the first step towards the Libra man. Do not forget about impeccable appearance, he is one of those for whom neatness and a pleasant smell are important, as well as the ability to maintain an interesting conversation and sincere interest in his person.
How to conquer a Scorpio man
- Element - Water
- Lucky number - 9
- A characteristic feature - one compliment is worth a dozen
- Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn are suitable for love and relationships.

It is rightfully considered one of the most ardent and sexy signs of the zodiac. If Scorpio is in love, then the feeling absorbs him entirely, but in public he never admits it, he can be rude and even cruel. And only when he is alone with the object of his passion, he will tell about the true attitude. This is not a man with whom you can flirt harmlessly - a Scorpio in love goes to the end and will not stop until he gets what he wants. However, if the girl is not interesting to him, it is useless to impose, he will only get angry. The Scorpio man is the owner, you should not try to deliberately cause his jealousy, this is a game with fire.
How to conquer a Sagittarius man
- Element - Fire
- Lucky number - 5
- A characteristic feature - he is a real knight and an incorrigible romantic
- Sagittarius is lucky with Leo, Aquarius, Virgo, Pisces

If he is in love, he will say about it without concealment, he does not tend to beat around the bush. Sagittarius usually has what is on his mind is on his tongue, so he can often shake up too much. The man of this sign is attracted by unusual girls who stand out from the crowd - be it an extraordinary appearance or, for example, the ability to drive a motorcycle. If you can surprise him, you will succeed in conquering. The passion of the hunter quickly ignites in him, however, the Sagittarius may lose interest in too "easy prey". He does not tolerate scenes of jealousy and showdown. If you decide to connect your fate with Sagittarius, keep in mind that this is a person who is deeply indifferent to public opinion, and adventures usually find it themselves.
How to conquer a Capricorn man
- Element - Fire
- Lucky number - 7
- A characteristic feature - never tries to "splurge"
- The most successful alliances: with Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces

In terms of the manifestation of love, this sign is similar to Virgo - it is also extremely difficult for him to confess his feelings in time. Capricorn likes to be taken care of, but he himself does not know how to show tenderness. He does not like eccentric girls, and innocent women's whims will rather repel than cause tenderness. Usually he is immersed in his studies or career and chooses a companion with similar interests from his immediate environment. A calm and serious girl is much more likely to have a relationship with a Capricorn than an unpredictable and energetic chatterbox-laughter. However, you should not cripple your individuality for the sake of the harsh Capricorn, just accept him as he is, with all the "cockroaches". By the way, among the representatives of this sign there are often convinced bachelors who are absolutely not affected by female tricks.
How to conquer an Aquarius man
- Element - Air
- Lucky number - 9
- Trait - Aquarius has one rule - break the rules
- The most successful alliances with Aries, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini

This is one of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac, perhaps after Libra. Aquarius usually has very bright, radiant eyes. The Aquarius man willingly makes friends with women, but this does not mean at all that he hopes to move beyond the "friend zone". Do not mistake his desire to just chat for a real hobby. However, if Aquarius suddenly, for no apparent reason, began to admit barbs, mock and even allow himself to be ridiculed, then this may be a sure sign of his interest. Aquarius is afraid of affection, but he is attracted by everything mysterious, inaccessible, unsolved. If you want to make him jealous, then leave this venture as useless - Aquarius may regard your attempts to flirt with others as an excuse to end the relationship, but, of course, remain friends.
How to conquer a Pisces man
- Element - Water
- Lucky number - 12
- Trait - no one will ever be as betrayed as Pisces
- Relationship with Cancer, Capricorn, Sagittarius will develop successfully

It can both enjoy the reputation of a "Don Juan", and, on the contrary, be extremely closed in relationships with girls, have a secret love that no one knows about. Feelings in a man of this sign usually arise gradually. He can cut circles around the "object", hesitating for a long time to come first. The Pisces man prefers that the woman choose him herself. Provocations do not work on him - seeing rivals, Pisces can simply walk away. He is jealous, but usually does not show it, and deep down he is very vulnerable.