Why Dream Of A Wife's Betrayal

Why Dream Of A Wife's Betrayal
Why Dream Of A Wife's Betrayal

Treason is a symbol of excitement and confusion. Dreams often show people what they fear most in real life. Therefore, it is quite possible that all your suspicions in real life about the betrayal of your spouse are transferred to your dreams.

Why dream of a wife's betrayal
Why dream of a wife's betrayal

What dreams are supposed to mean

If you dreamed that your wife cheated on you, first of all you should think about whether everything is in order in your relationship with your wife.

Any betrayal in a dream symbolizes a person's inner conflict, he unconsciously worries about the events that worry him at the moment.

Subconscious fear and doubt always have some kind of hidden basis, so you need to think carefully about your relationships with others.

Almost all dream books agree on one interpretation of treason - this is a clear warning about unwanted future changes in life. Moreover, conflict situations can arise not only with the wife, but also with relatives, colleagues and friends.

All old dream books warn that treason is a dream of fire, so if you often see such dreams, be careful.

But, on the other hand, a dream suggests that you can trust your spouse and cheating in a dream does not mean cheating in reality. Chances are, there are flaws in your affairs that you doubt and could fail if you don't fix them. Also, take a close look at those around you; it is likely that someone is weaving an intrigue against you.

Interpretations of various dream books

Miller's dream book says that a wife's betrayal is a dream to great surprise, some interesting event will happen in the life of your friends. He also talks about changes in married life, maybe they have already happened, but you do not see them yet, you should take a closer look at the behavior of the wife. In any case, the dream of treason calls to pay attention to your personal life and communication with loved ones.

According to Freud's dream book, treason clearly indicates that you suspect that something like this has happened or admit the possibility that it could happen. You are simply tormented by suspicions and doubts about your spouse's loyalty. By the way, they may be valid, so be careful.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, the dream of his wife's betrayal portends a strong surprise at the upcoming changes, or the second option is mistrust of the wife.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, cheating on her husband is a notification that the grandiose plan you have conceived will fail. You overestimated your capabilities and miscalculated important details. Therefore, be careful, weigh everything again and think whether it is worth taking on this business.
