The ukulele is a musical instrument that has recently begun to gain popularity again. Although, there have always been fans of this adorable ukulele.

Step 1
First, learn simple chords. To play elementary songs, 5-8 chords will be enough for you. Browse the internet for chord fingerings and try to play each chord while flicking down the strings. If you did everything right, you will hear a pleasant sound. This is the first sign that everything is going according to plan. Gradually increase the tempo of the speed of the chord shuffling, but don't be nervous. Even professionals, once upon a time, just like you now, sat and tried in vain to force their fingers to obey.

Step 2
Create a notebook or folder on your computer where you can store song chords, fingerings, tablatures, and battle patterns.

Step 3
Learn to fight. The very first fight worth learning on a ukulele is the standard fight of six.

Step 4
Choose the songs that you like. Find chords, open recorded chord fingerings. Make sure you know all the chords you need for the song. If you don't know a couple of chords - see how to clamp them, redraw your fingerings. Find out which fight to play the selected song. Not sure which fight? You can always ask people about this on the forum. Look at the chord comments on the sites, sometimes they already answer the question about the fight.
Then try to play the song. If you need to, start at a slow pace, and then build it up until you match the original.

Step 5
If you find it difficult to determine the rhythm or other aspects, use the video tutorials on YouTube. There you can see the analysis of a particular song in more detail and clearly.