Clouds In A Dream: What Is It For

Clouds In A Dream: What Is It For
Clouds In A Dream: What Is It For

Clouds in a dream portend a long trip, an interesting journey, changes in business and in life in general, while changes can be both positive and negative. Decoding a dream largely depends on what color the clouds dreamed of, how thick or light they were.

Clouds in a dream
Clouds in a dream

If you dreamed of clouds that are light, light, slowly floating across the sky, then such a dream portends success, prosperity and good luck. The dreamer may not worry: all his affairs will be completed successfully, projects and plans are being implemented. He will be able to profit even from those undertakings that seemed useless.

When in a dream the clouds have a light gray hue, this promises wealth and prosperity. There is no reason to worry and worry. But if the sky is covered with heavy and dark clouds, you should expect trouble and problems. In the life of a person who had such a dream, hard times will come. It will be possible to achieve the goals, but first you have to solve many difficult issues.

Multicolored, iridescent and shining small clouds in a dream - to prosperity and happiness, to joy and pleasant meetings. It is possible that the dreamer will soon meet new interesting or influential people. Multicolored sparkling clouds foreshadow work success. Relations with colleagues and superiors will improve. When light clouds fly too rapidly across the sky, dream books interpret this as a quick but short-lived success.

Scarlet or snow-white clouds are the harbingers of pleasant events and positive changes. Harmony will reign in the family, the dreamer will feel happy for the first time in a long time. A surge of inspiration is possible.

Black clouds, purple or lilac clouds that begin to approach from all sides are not the most positive sign. Such a dream warns of difficulties in work, gossip and rumors. If dark heavy clouds fall to the ground or surround a person, then in life the dreamer will face some difficult trials. There is a risk of injury, an accident or serious illness. When in a dream dark clouds, like smoke or fog, obscure your eyes, this means that in reality you will have to doubt a lot, trying to make a decision on any serious issue.

When a person sees himself in a dream riding on a cloud, the dream books explain this as follows: the dreamer spends too much time in dreams, he is too immersed in the illusory world and does not see the problems that begin to approach him from all sides. You need to become attentive and prudent so as not to make mistakes and not turn off the right path in life.

If the sky in a dream is covered with thin clouds, like a veil, and stars are visible through them, this means that joyful events and small achievements await the dreamer ahead, which, however, will raise self-esteem and mood. Seeing how the sun breaks through the clouds is a long-awaited success and positive changes that will come after a long "black streak".

To observe how rain began to drip from light clouds in a dream is a favorable sign. A dream promises relief from worries, worries and problems. But if the rain began to pour from dark and heavy clouds, then the dreamer needs to prepare for difficult trials that fate will throw him. It is likely that bad news will soon arrive from distant relatives or old acquaintances. Circumstances in life will develop in such a way that the dreamer will have to face loneliness, depressive or obsessive thoughts, with a breakdown and a feeling of complete devastation.