Love spell is not a good idea. In addition, he can spoil karma pretty much. But if you are neither eating nor sleeping out of unhappy girlish love, and the dear does not want to look in your direction, then there is a reason to try. In a love spell, a clear sequence of actions is very important.

It is necessary
- - a photograph or personal thing of the bewitched;
- - a conspiracy (can be found on the Internet, but it's better to come up with it yourself);
- - several candles;
- - an altar (any elevation with a flat top surface is suitable as it - a chair, table, bedside table, box, etc.);
- - aromatic oils of aphrodisiac plants (rose, ylang-ylang, geranium, jasmine);
- - aroma lamp.
Step 1
Choose the timing of the ritual carefully. The best day for a love spell will be Friday (Venus day) on the waxing moon. Choose the hour for the love spell (the hour of Venus) by checking the astrological tables that are easy to find on the Internet. The right time for the ritual will provide you with the protection of the planetary forces.
Step 2
Prepare the room where you will perform the action. To do this, carefully clean the room, walk along its perimeter with a lighted wax candle, lingering where the candle begins to smoke and crackle; hang all shiny surfaces.
In the eastern part of the room, set up an altar (preferably wooden), on which light the candles prepared for the ritual and lay out things that have a close astral connection with your beloved.
This could be a photo of him, hair, a handkerchief, a toothbrush, or whatever you can get your hands on. Sorcerers claim that all things, at least once in contact, remain connected for life. And by acting on one object, you can influence the one that is associated with it.
Be sure to fill the room with aromas of rose or ylang-ylang, geranium, jasmine. The spirits of Venus will like this, and they will be supportive of your efforts.
Step 3
Prepare yourself. Take a sea salt bath, loosen your hair, sprinkle a drop of perfume on yourself. Try to calm down as much as possible and detach from the upcoming action. Excessively hot feelings are the key to the failure of your event.
Step 4
Stand in front of the altar, take a look at the photo or thing of your loved one and begin to chant the words of the love spell. You can take the text from ready-made ones (on the Internet or in the corresponding books) or compose your own.
While casting the spell, concentrate on your desire. Moreover, it must have a "video sequence". Imagine pictures of your life after the ritual has worked. Imagine walking with your loved one, making love, visiting together, and so on.
Step 5
After reading the spell an odd number of times, put out the candles with your fingers. Then collect all the items that participated in the ritual and carefully hide them.
Open the window, leave the room to ventilate, and go to the shower yourself. This is an indispensable condition for any magical action - to wash off all information about a magical ritual just performed.
Step 6
The most important thing is that in the next few days, do not listen to the phone, do not expect the cute one to crawl on your lap, do not squeeze your dream in your fist like a caught bird. Let her go. Just live as you did, letting your wish come true.